Dear Readers, you are in for a treat today! The awesome, amazing, and quite humorous work-from-home-Dad Greg of is here today! I hope you’ll enjoy his guest post as much as I did, it made me laugh out loud! ~Henrietta The first time I ever saw a chicken outside cellophane is when my father-in-law […]
Two cakes for April Fool’s Day Dinner
Guess what? Mama just got the kids good :). It was one of the funnest April Fools Day dinners we’ve had in a long time. I took everything over to my Mom & Lee’s house to prepare. No peeking that way! The kids came over with Super G. after school for supper. We had cake […]
Wordless Wednesday – What’s on my kid’s camera today?
This is the second time I’ve found a picture of my Mom with a gun on my son’s camera. Hmmmm, maybe Mom should have been a sniper? Or a sharp shooter, or? I don’t know how he gets her to pose for these but it’s great! This is also an other reason you have to […]
I want this Roy Road Fish Co Hummingbird Hat
I so totally want this hat! I am going to make one for myself this summer! The kids are cool with it, hubby just walked by and told me I was an idiot though. Whatever dude, we’ll see who the idiot is when I get to see these beauties up close and personal :)
Wordless Wednesday – Mom the Lone Ranger – LOL!
My step-Dad sent me this video tonight and I love it! It certainly wraps up many things about being a mom into one fun song. Hope you get as much of a kick out of it as I did! Video is from
If you give a boy a spoon….
My boy makes me laugh… a lot. Today I made a quick supper because we were outside for awhile enjoying what’s left of nice weather before the winter sets in. I basically cooked some ground beef with a diced potato and onion, dumped in 2 cans of Campbell’s Minestrone Soup, 2 soup cans of water, […]
A banjo, a bowler, and an eternal grin – Guest Post by Ryan Pilling
I play the banjo. I also play the guitar. Actually, I will play any musical instrument I can get my hands on… or at least try to. Music is a great joy in my life. For my part in this Sincerely Saturdays series I wanted to share with you one thing about music that warms […]
A Thousand Word Thursday
This is one of the types of photos I frequently find on my camera. How they arrive on my camera is a mystery and I am always amused and sometimes a little miffed when I find strange things there. Especially torturous things done to my pets (such as this photo). This one however made my […]
Silly Kids
Imagine you have 2 children, they are 13 & 8, they like to argue…with each other. You often wonder if you get through to them at all. Say on Valentines Day you go shopping with your mom…for 7 hours….let’s just say you leave the kids home….with your hubby (insert evil laugh here). What if they […]
If You Can..
I just got this in an email and it is so true!Thank God for man’s best friend :) (this is a picture of our sweet baby Ginger Grant, we couldn’t imagine life without her! We rescued her in 2002) If You Can.. If you can start the day without caffeine;If you can get going without […]