How to get crafty with Embossing


Embossing can add a personal decorative touch to objects you use around the house and office. A pocket embosser is a tool that can make your papers, books, and other items state your identity boldly.

In the office, an embosser is used by a Notary Public to formalize those necessary seals on notarized documents, and similar seals have a great many other business uses as well. Embossing, is just a simple matter of pressing on the surface of your material (paper, metal, plastic, or something else) to raise letters or designs above the level of the surrounding surface. It gives a three dimensional effect. On a notarization, the document looks much more official once the letters of the seal stand up above the paper, especially since those seals always have a metallic sheen.

Books and papers used in your home, or by your family members when away from your own, can bear embossed stamps or seals that will make everybody feel really special. Let’s say you’re preparing your kids for going back to school. An embossed imprint on all of their notebooks and folders can make it easier to keep track of things, as well as helping them feel a special identity among their classmates. On all of the books that they purchase, you can emboss a message that declares ownership by your child, or the fact that the book belongs to your family library.

An embossed seal would also add a nice touch when laminating a child’s art project.  A seal makes it seem more official! 

Embossing makes all the difference on a wedding invitation. Of course your printer can emboss most of the print, but an embossed family seal adds a special touch.

Emboss  a monogram or address on letters, or lighten things up by embossing a smiley logo, a zodiac sign or something else that declares your identity. Religious symbols can be an especially meaningful way of personalizing your papers with something you believe in. 

Choose your pocket embosser with care, however, as most models can only produce a single image, and prices run in the $20 – $30 range. 

Most sites offering personalized pocket embossers offer a variety of  images and image styles, and allow you to input your own text, either in the middle, or around the edge.

So what message do you want your embossed imprint to declare? It can be a romantic message, symbolizing the love that brought you and your partner together. It can be a spiritual or religious message, telling all and sundry that you are proud of your beliefs and maybe even hope that others will follow your spiritual path. Maybe it’s a political message, urging action on an issue dear to your heart.

Maybe it’s a simple statement of ownership: “This book is part of my library.” “This notebook belongs to me, so if you borrow it, give it back”(for your child at school). “This item is important to our home.”

Whatever message you wish to formalize on your documents, a personalized pocket embosser gives you an elegant and decorative way to say it.

Featured Photo credit: Embosser by JHaland, on Flickr

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!


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