I stole a chicken – kind of

lost chickMeet our newest member of the flock, April. I stole her. Without going into detail, let me just say — some people should not be allowed to own animals.

This poor chickie has a new home with us now and she is such a sweetheart! One lone chicken can get a bit chilly and peep a lot because they want someone to cuddle with. I called the local feed mill to see if they had any chicks in store, but they were all out. So we improvised.

Our two year old banty hen, Tweet, has been trying to go broody on her eggs, we figured she wouldn’t be too upset about adopting April even if she is a bit bigger than a newly hatched chick. So far so good!

new chick in the brooder

We set them up in a small rabbit hutch that I bought at a yard sale last year for $10.00. It’s the perfect size for two little chickens. I need to go to the mill on Monday to pick up some chick start feed. She’ll be fine for a day with cracked corn and chicken mash. I have the feeling that April will outsize her adoptive mother within a few short weeks.

lost chick April

I cannot wait to see what April grows up to look like. I’m not sure what breed she is, maybe a Barred Rock??? I don’t know, we’ll see in a few more weeks!

While I’m not 100% certain that April is indeed a hen, I am fairly sure. She doesn’t have a large comb and no tiny little spur nubbies that I can see or feel. She also hunkers down quite a bit instead of standing straight up when you call her or pass a hand over her head. These are all good indications that your chick is a hen, but not foolproof!

Also, I think she just has “girl eyes”.

little chicken butt

Doesn’t she have the cutest little poofy chicken butt!


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    awww. she is the sweetest looking thing!!!

  2. 2
    Michelle Spayde says

    Well, I know nothing about chickens, but I do want to read April’s “rescue story”! :-)

  3. 3

    Awww I don’t care how you got her, I’m just glad she has a happy home.

  4. 4

    What a cute chick! My husband is really wanting to get us some chickens after our vacation so I may be hitting up your archives for tips!

  5. 5

    Aww so sweet. She is definitely cute. So glad she has a new home with all of you!

  6. 6

    She’s cute! And I’m glad you are giving her a better home. I so laughed at the Girls Eyes comment. :P

  7. 7

    Awwww, so sweet and so cute.

  8. 8

    She is adorable. Curious as to the who/what/when/where/why of her rescue story.


  1. […] rescue chick getting big! He/she/it is almost bigger than Mama Tweet already! And, is it just me or does the […]

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