Snow Covered Coop – Wordless Wednesday

Last Thursday night we had our first snowfall of the season. When we woke up on Saturday morning, updated to add: WOW! do I even know what day comes after Thursday? I meant on FRIDAY morning when we woke up,  it was to a sparkly, fluffy, muddy, gorgeous day. Funny how snow can make everything look so gorgeous, yet be such a pain in the rear! I guess it has to be pretty so we can live with the trouble it gives us all winter.

The view out my back door when I let Ginger out to go potty wasn’t so bad ;)

nov  2011 first snowfall


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Oh my goodness! Brrr! We still have the air conditioning on during the day.

    • 2

      And here I’ve been huddled next to the heater… well it’s been nice the past few days but they keep saying things like “artic blast” on the future forecast – ugh

  2. 3

    Wow – what a pretty picture! I would love to come visit!

  3. 4

    We had our first snow this past week too. It may be pretty, but it did not make me happy, lol.

  4. 5

    I love how pretty snow is (especially the first one) but living in it is totally overrated!! ;)

  5. 6

    It’s really, really pretty!

  6. 7

    Wow, it’s beautiful! I don’t mind snow as long as I don’t have to drive in it. But give me a mug of cocoa and a chair by the window and I’d love to look out at that all day.

  7. 8

    Pretty. The temps are up in the 70’s here.

  8. 9

    So beautiful! It’s 73 degrees here today and rain, rain, raining.

  9. 10

    To cold to soon :).

  10. 11

    Sooo pretty!!

  11. 12

    I just got all excited seeing that snow. I can’t wait for our first … it’s always my favorite.

  12. 14

    It can look pretty the first time… but I still go ewww!
    we had our first snow fall but none stayed (Yippee 4 me) I will be buried in the yuck soon enough. So what did Ginger & the chicks think of the snow?

    • 15

      Ginger doesn’t mind to much as long as she isn’t left out there in the scary wide open-ness all by her lonesome for too long :) The chicks – in fact all of the chickens stayed in the coop for most of the day — wimps!

  13. 16

    It looks so pretty! But I still hate snow.

  14. 17

    I cannot believe you have snow already

  15. 18

    That photo is beautiful. As much as I complain about the snow(ugh it will be back tomorrow) it is really gorgeous:)

  16. 19

    BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love this one for sure!

  17. 20

    Beautiful! I love snow – we’ve only had the one blizzard so far, but I can’t wait for the soft powder coming soon. WOnderful photo!

  18. 21

    Beautiful! We love snow!

  19. 22

    It looks so pretty – but I don’t want snow until after Thanksgiving.

  20. 23

    Gosh, THAT.IS.BEAUTIFUL! But it looks freezing cold too! I can not say that I look forward to snow actually. It is OK for a week or two, but after that it is enough, it can get the hell out of here and I want summer again :D!

  21. 24

    Oh my, that is beyond gorgeous. Fabulous shot! We were playing outside last week without jackets and y’all had snow- crazy!

  22. 25

    Gorgeous photo!

  23. 26

    My condolences, and i balked at the mere frost on my car this morning!

  24. 27

    We had snow in October near my birthday the 28th in NH. I had 5″ everything was covered but my mom in another town in NH had 31″ and it was a horrible mess. Then followed with 60-70 degree days – weather has been odd lately

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