Big Big News for A Hen’s Nest! (well big to me anyway!)

I have some major news that I’ve been keeping under wraps for a few weeks now. Sometime very very soon – say between now and this weekend – A Hen’s Nest will be going from to! That’s right! I’ve taken a big giant leap and bought my very own domain name and will be self hosted on This was a little bit spur-of-the-moment, a little bit pre-meditated, but either way I am so excited!

There are things I’ve been wanting to do for awhile now that I just can’t do on  the free Blogger platform. While Blogger has treated me good, I want to continue my blogging journey under my own terms and move on to bigger and better things for myself, my blog and you! Hopefully I can take all of you, my fabulous, wonderful readers with me! I am hoping to offer better opportunities to you, and to be able to interact with all of you more with the changes ahead.

This process should be seamless and pain free for you, but if for some reason tomorrow – or next week – or next month you happen to think to yourself “Gee I haven’t gotten any up dates from Henrietta’s blog lately! I wonder if she’s still kickin’?” I hope you’ll hop over to to make sure you’re still subscribed! I’d hate for you to be lost in the shuffle, I so appreciate your visits everyday!

A Hen’s Nest will probably go through a little bit of unorganized construction during this transition. I am sure I will be fiddling, tinkering, arranging, re-arranging and just plain turning my blog into an annoying laboratory guinea pig! Just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know why I have been so in and out and more random than usual lately!

Oh, and I’m scared to death… but it’s good :)


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    That's awesome! I am still on Blogger. Scared. :)

  2. 2

    Yay! You will be so glad you did :)

  3. 3
    Creative Junkie says

    Congratulations! Except for my first month two years ago, I've been on and I love it. You will not regret it!

  4. 4

    I'm with Shannon, think I'll stay where I am.
    Congrats on the big move :)

  5. 5
    mail4rosey says

    Congratulation on the new move, and thank you for the heads-up!

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    Now, don't be too frustrated that first month after you switch; there is a steep learning curve (especially if you've been on Blogger forever and are used to it), but you will grow to LOVE it.

  7. 7

    It is scary, huh? But it will be worth it… I'll definitely be sure to keep checking in on you if I don't hear/see anything. Good luck. :-D

  8. 8

    Congrats on the plans to switch! I couldn't say enough good things about WordPress and I'm sure you'll be happy too!

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