Wordless Wednesday – Cute Cuddly Kittens!

Lord help me, we are now a three cat household! Mr.T. with his rambunctious rascal Jupiter. Pie with her fluffy fluffball shy kitty Nylee Super Genius (the “non” cat person) cuddling Juipiter Mama Cleo nursing her little family NOT a kitten…. but still adorable!

Random Pictures of our Life – July 2010

Remember the ducks we got way back in May? Our sole survivor, “Sammy” is getting so big! (our other three were taken by something one night, :( we think an owl or coon) Sammy is such a sweetheart and I love his beautiful blue eyes and happy quackings. Sammy’s friend is Tweet who if you […]

Cleopatra the Cat had a very surprising surprise!

Cleo the Cat was not just fat as I had thought. She had been, in fact, hiding something sweet and cute and precious. Two little bundles that look just like their mother :)Kittens arrived on June 3rd! Ginger now feels her mission in life to is guard over Cleo and the kittens. She really hates […]