Thank you to NatureRaised Foods for sponsoring this article. Learn how NatureRaised Foods is “Doing What’s Right, Right from the Start™” in your area. It’s mid-summer and most nights, the kids and hubby start roaming around the kitchen at 4pm, wondering what’s for supper. I love to toss together simple and fresh one-dish meals for […]
Random Pictures of our Life – July 2010
Remember the ducks we got way back in May? Our sole survivor, “Sammy” is getting so big! (our other three were taken by something one night, :( we think an owl or coon) Sammy is such a sweetheart and I love his beautiful blue eyes and happy quackings. Sammy’s friend is Tweet who if you […]
Summer Grill Recipes: Pineapple Chicken Packets
I love summer because it means we can cook out on the grill again! (although I do know people who do this year round, even in the freezing snow!) This is a quick and easy recipe that uses up some of that fresh produce from your garden or the farmer’s market. I like to make […]
Wordless Wednesday – Random photos from our week
Pie’s recycled craft project for Earth Day / Grandparent’s Day at school – we found directions for the mini greenhouse on We woke up to a rainbow one morning this week – you can just make out the second one behind it. Yay for double rainbows in the morning! Oh and look what was […]