Super Genius and I used to sell on eBay quite a bit. We shipped a lot of packages! Mostly we used USPS but sometimes depending on package size FedEx was much cheaper. We always found their service quick and reliable! If you’re shipping many gifts this season then you’ll be looking for the most cost […]
Ronzoni Smart Taste pasta
I’m just like other moms out there, I try to get the kids and hubby to eat healthier. As I’ve said before they can often be picky and I get frustrated trying products that they say taste “different”! I was happy to try Ronzoni’s new Smart Taste pasta on them. We love pasta and eat […]
Mom Central Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaways
It’s that time of year again! December is upon us, which means it’s time to pull out the decorations and cookie sheets and write your shopping list to prepare for the upcoming holidays. With gift shopping well underway, there’s bound to be more than one person on your list that leaves you stumped. Mom Central […]
Smucker’s Uncrustables Review + get a free box!
My kids are always “starving to death, mom” after school. Wait, I take that back, my kids are ALWAYS “starving to death!” At least they think they are. I think they just like to snack, and usually the things they choose don’t fill them up, so then we’re back to the starving to death part […]
Atkins New Cuisine Line and Recipe Contest
Like most mom’s I have a hard time finding the time and energy to eat healthy foods everyday. I don’t want to spend hours scouring the grocery shelves for products that will help me in my daily struggle to maintain my weight. That’s why I’m glad to share with you Atkins’ new Cuisine line, two […]
Oscar Mayer Lunchables Blog Tour & Review
We were recently invited to take part in a Mom Central Blog Tour featuring the new Oscar Mayer Lunchables Lunch Combinations. The timing for this tour couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! Our children go back to school on Wed the 26th so lunches are on my mind quite a bit! If you […]