Recently in A Hen’s Nest

Bacon Bagel Sandwiches #recipe bring smiles

bacon bagel

Let's get one thing straight right now, this sandwich is not great for you. It is simple, quick, delicious, crunchy, tangy and made from things that like to clog your arteries. Please tell me that you aren't going to try and lighten it up with fat free sour cream or turkey bacon, that defeats the … [Continue Reading...]

Hens Clutch of #Giveaways 1/13 – 1/19 {linky}

Happy Friday! I just now realized that it's Friday the 13th! Unlike some people, I don't mind the 13th. I know that my step-dad considers 13 to be his lucky number so I hope he has an amazing day today!! The kids have a four day weekend and we're supposed to be getting hit with some lake effect … [Continue Reading...]

Be the next PromGirl or win the Ultimate Prom Giveaway at!

ultimate prom giveaway banner

My daughter is no where near old enough for dances, let alone Prom (thank goodness!). That day will come eventually though  and we'll be shopping for THE dress before I know it! Every girl wants that perfect dress for Prom! Well girls now's your chance to win one! I just heard about two amazing … [Continue Reading...]

I’m buying gift cards for the teens this year

teen gifts

I don't want to sound like Mrs. Scrooge but boy am I glad that the holidays are over this year! It seems that as the nieces, nephews and our own children grow older, it gets harder and harder to figure out what to give them as gifts! Having a bunch of teenagers and tweens to buy for all at once is a … [Continue Reading...]

{almost?} Wordless Wednesday – too big boots

toddler t

I have to be just a tiny bit wordy this week! Last week as I was hopping around to check out everyone's WW post, I had to stop and smile at Alison's in particular. Her photo of her son wearing her Ugg boots just reminded me so much of my kids when they were little! I had to dig out photos of them … [Continue Reading...]

On Our Table

No Fail Yeast Rolls Recipe

No Fail Yeast Rolls

Homemade rolls are a favorite in our home. I love trying new recipes for them and also have a few stand by favorites. This recipe is one I use when I'm short on time. The rolls are delicious, dense and yeasty; perfect for potato soup dipping! Plus it makes a large batch, I can serve half and freeze … [Read More...]

Berry Morning Breakfast Crisp Recipe! #YayOats

Berry Morning Breakfast Crisp

Since I was a little kid, oatmeal has been a common breakfast dish. I have always loved eating oatmeal in the countless ways it can be prepared. From my memory of Dad's stove-top cooked hot Quaker® oatmeal with cranberries to my favorite oatmeal raisin cookies, oatmeal has always been there to fuel … [Read More...]

Bake Sale Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

soft chocolate chip cookies

When I dropped my daughter off at basketball practice tonight, I realized that I had forgotten something. Everyone was carrying various trays and bags of cookies which reminded me that I was also supposed to bring 2 dozen cookies for this weekend's bake sale. Woops! A stop at the store, 2 hours, … [Read More...]

More of Hen's Recipes....

Home & Garden

diy rustic wheel herb container garden project

DIY Rustic Wheel Herb Garden How-To #MiracleGroProject

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Gardening should be fun!  I love to … [Read More...]

my weekly menu board

DIY Photo Frame Menu Board with Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator

I know I have been saying it a LOT, but it is almost time for our kids to go back to school! Nine more days until the big day! We have been getting … [Read More...]

Family Moments

Dinosaur Park 1988 - Rapid City, South Dakota

Dad and The Giant Dinosaur :: Throw Back Thursday #tbt

I have wanted to participate in Throwback Thursday for a while now, but I always forget! Not today! I dug out some old photos and hope to remember to … [Read More...]

recipe book from a mini photo album

Preserve Memories with a DIY Photo Album Recipe Book #CanonPIXMA

This is a sponsored conversation inspired by the Canon PIXMA MG7120. All thoughts and opinions are genuine and 100% my own. For more information on … [Read More...]