I don’t want to sound like Mrs. Scrooge but boy am I glad that the holidays are over this year! It seems that as the nieces, nephews and our own children grow older, it gets harder and harder to figure out what to give them as gifts! Having a bunch of teenagers and tweens to buy for all at once is a pretty big undertaking! For the past several years, we have been gifting books that we thought would interest each child. that worked out well but now it’s getting a bit difficult to know what genre or topics they like to read about, especially the ones we don’t get to see as often.
This year we gave up and just bought everyone a funky looking hat or cool band t-shirt at the mall. Super G. and I were probably quite comical standing in Hot Topic by ourselves trying to figure out what to buy our oldest nephew. We ended up winging it and I randomly picked a cool-to-me shirt that had some burnt toast band on it… he liked it so all was well! Now however, I’m looking ahead to upcoming birthdays and thinking about what in the world to buy these teens!
We’ve done hats, books and t-shirts.. we’ve done bath sets, video games and zombies. We were running out of ideas! Then I started thinking about how techie most of our teen relatives are, our kids included, and realized that I can take the easy way out this year by giving the kids a gift certificate or discount gift card from Cardpool to shop online with! By tailoring the gift cards to each teen, we can most likely save time and probably money, especially since I can shop for everything from Bath & Body Works to Barnes & Nobles to Best buy! Something for everyone without leaving my home, sounds good to me!
What do you buy the teens in your life?
I only have a few teens to buy for, but always do gift cards. Either Walmart, a Visa card or iTunes. So much easier and less stressful!
Gift cards are perfect for people of all ages and so much less stress – quick shopping, easy “wrapping”, and you don’t have to worry about a special trip to the post office.