My raised bed Garden Plan – 2011

Since this is the first year that we are trying the Square foot gardening method in our new raised beds, I wanted to make sure that I had a good plan in place.  Usually I graph out our large gardens on graph paper in long rows of vegetables. Using this new method, each square foot […]

How to build a raised bed vegetable garden!

This year was going to be the year that I said the heck with it and didn’t have a garden. That lasted about 2 weeks then I knew I was just kidding myself! A garden is a MUST for us! We need to be able to eat fresh green onions, cherry tomatoes, and have plants […]

A Thousand Word Thursday

I finally cooked, sieved and froze these tomatoes that had been lounging around on first my counter then the table for days. (The pile was much bigger byt the time I got to them, lol) Pie found this tomato amusing :) I also finally got around to shredding up all the zucchini that was strewn […]

A Veggie Harvest

Our little vegetable garden is doing fairly well this year. I have half heartedly been planting one since we moved 2 years ago. The soil at our old house was just the way I wanted it and practically weed free since I amended it and took care of it for so many years. I am […]

Fried Zucchini Slices

I tried, but I could not wait any longer for my zucchini to grow big enough. I bought one from the local farm stand instead :) I have been craving Fried Zucchini! It’s a summer treat! This recipe is pretty darn good! I adapted from one I found on (my go-to place for recipe […]

The Great Sunflower Project

This is a great freebie that you can feel good about! Join the hunt for bees in The Great Sunflower Project! They will send you a free packet of sunflower seeds and a simple form. Plant your seeds then watch and record the bees you see on your Lemon Queen sunflowers! You can mail the […]