Wordless Wednesday – gardening success #ww

Even though I have been neglecting my garden this year, there are still some successes tucked away. In between the obnoxious weeds, there are a few surprises.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mine is growing quite nicely. Now. After rescuing it from the monster chickens that is, grr. Our raised beds have been planted for just over a week and the plants that have made it into the beds are growing and thriving. The day of the planting, we left the house for a few hours to […]

Our Raised Bed Gardens are growing!

I keep meaning to post updates on how well our raised bed gardens are doing, but by the time I get around to it, they’ve grown again! It’s been almost a month since we filled them with manure, and about three weeks since we started planting the seeds and plants. With the hot humid temperatures […]

Filling our raised bed gardens with horse manure

Last Saturday we finally located a wonderful source of material to fill our raised beds with. My aunt and uncle sent me to a nice man who has been composting his horse manure for over twenty years! We hooked on to the trailer and drove the 10 miles out to his farm to load up. […]

My raised bed Garden Plan – 2011

Since this is the first year that we are trying the Square foot gardening method in our new raised beds, I wanted to make sure that I had a good plan in place.  Usually I graph out our large gardens on graph paper in long rows of vegetables. Using this new method, each square foot […]

How to build a raised bed vegetable garden!

This year was going to be the year that I said the heck with it and didn’t have a garden. That lasted about 2 weeks then I knew I was just kidding myself! A garden is a MUST for us! We need to be able to eat fresh green onions, cherry tomatoes, and have plants […]