New Luvs Super Absorbent diapers keep leaks away! #TheClueIsInTheBlue

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Luvs.


When my daughter was a baby, many years ago, the only diaper she could wear was Luvs, all other brands would give her poor little bottom a rash. I’m glad to see that Luvs is still around and still making life easier for moms! In fact, did you hear that the new Luvs Super Absorbent diapers are 15% more absorbent than other Luvs? Sounds like a great choice in diapers to prevent a disaster to me! We all know that having a leaky diaper is no fun, especially when you’re out and about with baby! 

The new ultra absorbent leakguard core in Luvs Super Absorbent diapers will help lock in any wetness and absorbs even more liquid than regular Luvs. They are still a comfortable diaper for your growing infant or roaming toddler with a nice contoured shape and leg gathers that form a leak barrier. The stretchy tabs are east to refasten and adjust for a nice snug fit that stays put no matter what baby is getting into or spending playtime.

What’s really cool about the Luvs Super Absorbent diapers is that they ultra absorbent leakguard has a blue core that alerts you to a wet diaper. That’s why you’ll have an easy time checking to see if baby needs changed since “The Clue is in the Blue!”

Find Luvs Diapers at a store near you!

When you see the blue seal on a box of Luvs at Walmart stores, you’ll know they’re the new special version of Luvs Super Absorbent diapers. And you’ll also notice that at around 16 cents per diaper, Luvs are also a really affordable option, without sacrificing any of the leak protection you need for your baby’s active life.

Stay up to date with Luvs diapers promotions via the Luvs Facebook page at and @Luvs on Twitter


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    When my boys were little, we used Luvs.

  2. 2

    I used Luvs with my first born but not my two sons. I am not missing having zero kids in diapers … lol will tweet this for my friends who have kiddos in diapers to check out!

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