Last month when a friend of ours held a benefit for a local teen who is fighting cancer, we put several tickets into the raffles that were featured at the awesome event. I just have to take a moment to say that the benefit event that she put together and held was the most amazing one I have ever attended. She and her team worked their tails off getting sponsors, Chinese auction prizes, gathering food donations, preparing the dinner and countless untold hours and hours planning prepping and trying to make a great event. In other words, she REALLY outdid herself and did a fantastic job. I am in awe of all she accomplished!
At the event we of course put lots of tickets into the many many Chinese auction baskets, they had some wonderful items! We also bought a few tickets for the home theater grand prize. unbeknownst to me, Super Genius also bought one or two tickets for the Grand grand prize of a very large slab of granite. I didn’t purchase a ticket because first of all we rent, and second of all where in the world would we put it! You can probably imagine how shocked I was when they called out my husband’s name as the winner of the granite slab. I actually was a little mad at him for putting a ticket in for something I thought we couldn’t use! He was ecstatic. Beyond ecstatic. Dork.
So for the last month I’ve been stewing and worrying and wondering where in the world we’re going to put this piece of granite in our teeny tiny little kitchen. We thought about putting a couple of cabinets underneath it to have an island. That would mean that the kitchen table would be gone and it would have cost quite a bit to get the sturdy cabinets we’d need. I need a kitchen table, I like sitting around with my family eating meals and chatting. Then we thought about just finding a different table that would be able to support the heavy slab. Tables are way more expensive than we thought, especially if we wanted one that wasn’t made out of pressed board.
Super G. mentioned the ‘winning of the granite‘ to my Aunt & Uncle who then showed him a counter height table and stool set they had in their basement. They weren’t using it and it would be perfect for the granite since it has a large T based support underneath. Plus I would have extra counter space since it was a taller tabel with stools that slid underneath for storage! And, the price was rigfht — $250 for a sturdy wood table and chairs is a pretty good deal!
Well the Granite was delivered today!! They did such an amazing job rounding the edges for us and cutting it to size. What a wonderful item for the company to donate for such a great cause! I guess I learned my lesson, stop worrying about the little things (or big things) and just take them as they come because usually it will work itself out! Check out our gorgeous Granite topped table ! Now I have a beautiful counter to roll my cookies and pie crust out on :)
That really did turn out beautiful- how lucky that they had the table & chairs just laying around!
Congratulations! It looks great!