When I get my diamond ring

Someday when Super G. and I decide to finally tie the knot, one of my favorite wedding activities will be to pick out our rings. (Oh you thought we were already married? Sorry, can you imagine calling the man you’ve lived with for 17 years, and bore two children by, your boyfriend? I can’t that’s just ridiculous.) I’m thinking this wedding will take place after the kids are out of school and we have a little extra spending money.

We’ll be like one of those old couples that runs off together and elopes to some tropical island honeymoon and come back with no one the wiser. It could work. Back to the ring! I do have the ring Super G. gave to me when he proposed (10 years ago, lol), it’s certainly no Since1910.com designer engagement ring but I love it because he chose it just for me. That doesn’t mean it’s one I would have chosen though. You see, Super G. is all bling-bling-blingity-bling-BLING, while I am more of an anything-bigger-than-my-eyeball-shouldn’t-be-worn-as-jewelry type of person. Which is fine and all except when you have to agree on a a “set” of something, like rings.

While department store rings are just lovely, I’m sure. I would much rather prefer to be able to have a ring that is unique, a little more me. Being able to create my own ring would be even better, which is exactly what I can do at Since1910.com.  There are some amazingly gorgeous rings on this site. So gorgeous that maybe I would have a hard time wearing my specially designed ring, I’d be so afraid to lose it! I can’t help but think what a wonderful gift our rings would be to hand down to our children someday. Who knows, maybe we’ll even let them tag along on the honeymoon! 

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About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Now what year anniversary is it that you get diamonds again? Write those on the calendar now to go shopping there!

  2. 2

    Those rings ARE gorgeous! I say splurge and get yourself one you love, wedding or not.

I ♥ your comments
