Kmart Bluelight Specials – week of 12/26 to 12/27

Last minute Holiday shopping? No worries, Kmart has extended their shopping hours to 6am-12am through December 23rd and 6am-10pm December 24th.

Bluelight Specials for 12/26 to 12/27 Saturday & Sunday

  • Gen gemstone earrings (reg.$ 39.99) sale $9.99
  • Mushabellies (reg. $24.99) sale $7.99
  • Digital Photo Keychain (reg. $19.99) sale $8.99 ( 65% off )

Don’t forget about the Kmart Bluelight Special Holiday Sweepstakes I told you about earlier! Follow @KmartDealsnNews and use the #KmartBLS hashtag for a chance to win a $50 gift card every day! Everyone who follows @KmartDealsnNews will also be automatically entered in to the pot for a $500 Kmart Shopping Spree!

Need Tweet ideas? Use these! (no more than once every 30 minutes!)

Tweet #KmartBLS for a Chance to Win a $50 Kmart Gift Card Everyday from 11/12 – 12/23! For more info: @KmartDealsnNews

Follow @KmartDealsnNews for a chance to win a $500 Kmart Shopping Spree! #KmartBLS For more info:

Shop @KmartDealsnNews extended Holiday hours: 6am-12am until 12/23 and 6am-10pm on 12/24! #KmartBLS

For more info & rules: . Good luck!

*Just sharing!*

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!


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