A Thousand Words Thursday

Continuing with my Father’s Day A Thousand Words Thursday Theme, here’s a mini collage of my Dad when he was young. What a handsome guy! I remember Dad telling me about how he was always getting picked on because of how his ears stuck out. There was this kid on his bus that used to […]

A Thousand Words Thursday

My Thousand Words Thursday post is very late today! I seem to have come down with a nasty cold and haven’t been able to think straight! My medicine has worn off enough to let me keep my eyes open for a few minutes and get my ATWT post up :) As I said last Thursday, […]

A Thousand Words Thursday

Dad’s Day is coming up soon, it’s been 6 1/2 years since Dad passed on and I miss him so!My Thousand Word Thursdays in June will be Dad pictures :) Love this one, I always was Daddy’s little girl, right Mom! For more Thousand Words Thursday stop by Cheaper Than Therapy.