Mind-Body Connection

The Doctors, I love this show, I’m always happy when I remember to watch it. I would DVR it but I don’t think I’d ever get to it along with the 20 or so back episodes of Medium & Heroes I have yet to watch. I have yet to watch the final 3 episodes of ER! I still haven’t decided whether this DVR is a curse or a blessing but that’s a story for another time!

I did sit down and watch The Doctors this morning and what an amazing episode! It was all about the Mind-Body Connection. Dr. Phil gave some wonderful advice on the subject. Montel Williams was also on the show, what an amazing man he is, I always feel so inspired when I see him and hear his positivity, it just pours out of him! The story of 27-year old Alex, a woman with dystonia is truly heart wrenching. To watch her story brought tears to my eyes, not because of her debilitating disease, but because of the strength she possesses.

These are a few sayings and pieces of advice that really stood out for me.

“We alone OWN who we are.”
“Let’s get on with this”
“Impact this!”
“Explode with Happiness. We can do that; you can do that every second of the day!”
“The way we feel is 50% Genes, 10% life circumstances, and 40% thoughts!”

Now that last fact is such an awesome way to put it! 40% thoughts! Think of the impact you can have on your life, your health, your outward appearance and daily life just by thinking, feeling and BEING positive about yourself! Weather it’s positive thinking about your current situation, your health, your finances, whatever, it can and WILL make a difference! I think we all need to make a conscious decision to stay positive within ourselves and for ourselves!

If you’d like to enter to win a copy of Montel Williams’ book, “Living Well Emotionally: Break Through to a Life of Happiness” you can do so here. Good luck to everyone who enters!

Selfhelpandwelless.com has some wonderful articles on positive thinking! Also you can download a free copy of their Stop Suffering from Panic & Anxiety eBooks here.

Stay Positive! Think about 3 positive things about your current situation, RIGHT NOW :)

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1
    Marie Reed says

    I just ADORE this queen of the wheel image!

  2. 2
    Marie Reed says

    I just ADORE this queen of the wheel image!

  3. 3
    Marie Reed says

    I just ADORE this queen of the wheel image!

  4. 4
    Henrietta says

    Me Too! If you click on it it will take you to the site that has free images :) and where I found it! Thank you for visiting and commenting!

I ♥ your comments


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