Feeling Overwhelmed With a New Baby by Lilac City Momma

When my oldest daughter was born, a little over five years ago, along with the joy and happiness of having this little being, came worry and anxiety.

Will I know how to take care of her? Will I do something to put her in harms way?

Before the wonderful day, I had never once held a baby, let alone fed, changed, and looked after one. Somehow, even with no experience at all, it came to me. Not quickly, and not even over night, but gradually as the days came.

Through the earliest days, I remember feeling I would could break her. Diaper changes took much longer then needed, because I would have to take her over to the changing table, carefully unbutton her onesie, and like holding a glass vase while balancing on a high wire, change her without shattering her. When it came to changing her clothes, it was even worse. Sometimes, I would just wrap her up in a blanket instead of trying to pull a shirt over hear wobbling head.

Each passing day did get easier. But at the same time, as she grew bigger new challenges arose. What toys were okay to give her, how often should she be sleeping, and when. When she started teething, I wasn’t sure what I should give her, or how. When it came to solid food, when is it okay to start and what do I give her. All these questions manifested in my mind, and it was a lot to take in, especially being a first time mom.

With each new day and milestone, I quickly asked for help where I could get it. Friends, family, and even online. Five years ago, I was big into the CafeMom forums and was even apart of the 2007 March Babies group. It was nice to know I wasn’t alone.

I wish I could say that the anxiety and stress of parenting goes away, but it doesn’t, and I don’t think it ever really does. I have three girls now, and I still get those feelings. Especially as my oldest gets older.

I think the key to it all is support – through family, friends, and your online community.

Meet our guest author: Hanan is a twenty-something, mother of three young girls, sharing her pregnancy, parenting, and lifestyle tips, advice, and worries on her blog Lilac City Momma. When she is not blogging or chasing around the little ones, she loves spending time in the kitchen baking, working on a healthier lifestyle, and catching life’s memories through photography. You can also connect with her on Facebook and on Twitter at @LilacCityMomma.

*image source: lilaccitymomma.com

About the Author

A Hen's Nest occasionally partners with other knowledgeable authors, on subjects that interest her, or that she thinks will interest her readers.



  1. 1

    Stress never goes away, and I think once we get past the baby days, a new chapter begins, and then another. I’m hitting tweens years and there are more challenges. But being parents, we just seem to know what is right and what is wrong.

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