I’m so glad you stopped by! I am a mom to two great kids, Mr.T. is 14 and Pie is 9. I can’t believe how fast they grow! My man and I have been together for 15 years this July, WooHoo! When you visit A Hen’s Nest you’ll find random posts about our life, a few recipes, freebies and simple craft ideas thrown in. I also love to share reviews on products we try and host giveaways to give a little back to my readers. Every Friday come link up your giveaways on Hen’s Clutch. You’ll fin a ton of great ones to enter there too.
As usual, I’m late to the party! I still wanted to post because I didn’t want you to miss out on the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party thrown by 5 Minutes for Mom! The party runs from April 9th – 16th so you still have time to join in too! There are some really amazing things to be won, here’s what I’d choose if I won:
Of course I’d choose the GRAND PRIZE if I could! I would LOVE to win the Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025.
US18 – Goodie Basket for Mom – Estimated retail value of prize $50.
Provided by: Healthy Moms – The Number One Health Blog for Moms. Follow here: cltalbert or Visit Fan Page: Healthy Moms
If all of those choices are taken then I would also love: USC 8 , USC39 , US112 , US104 , US73 , US74 , USC 37, USC 15, USC 3 , US113 , US114 , US52 , US101 , US105 , US107 , US31 , US32 , US36 , USC 4 , USC 25 , USC 13 , US6 , US7 , US11, US12 , US20 , US22, US26 , US27 , US37 , US39 , US40. Or anything else NOT related to babies because I have a teen and tween, no babies! :)

I’m giving away a $20 ShopRite Gift Card!
Leave me a comment saying ENTER ME!
- Follow A Hen’s Nest with Blogger Friend Connect
- Become a Facebook fan / Networked blogs follower (right sidebar)
- Follow @ahensnest on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (daily tweet!)
- Subscribe (and confirm) to my blog via reader/email (right sidebar)
Rules: Follow the directions above! Giveaway open to U.S. residents, 18+ only and ends April 18th, 11:59pm est. Winner will be chosen by Random.org and must reply to email notification within 48 hours or I will redraw.
Shop rite giveaway, that sounds like a great prize, I don't have any close to me, but I'm happy to meet you.
I think of my blog as being pretty random too. Crazy random sometimes.!!
Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower of your AWESOME BLOG!
Come visit my neck of the blogging woods:
I promise not to bore you.
Don't consider this an entry, since we don't have a shoprite around here. Just wanted to say howdy! I've been reading your blog for a while now, and it's one of my favorites. Keep up the good work!
Come visit me at http://getalonghome.com if you have a moment. Happy blogging!
Oh how fun is this blog. . . honey you had me at recipes! I sent your blog to my dad and he loves your banner as much as I do. He has pigeons and he is thinking of starting a site himself so that banner is just genius!
Hi! I found you through the UPB. Cute cute blog, and I certainly will be stopping by more often-especially on Fridays :) I invite you to come chat at my table, too. Blessings.
Wish I had a Shop Rite but I don't. Great giveaway though. I thought I would stop by from the party and say Hi. Hope you are enjoying the party. Stop by my site and enter into my giveaway; all I need is a comment. Have a great party.
Please enter me! Wow $20 at Shoprite would buy a lot!
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
I'm following you publicly on Google Friend Connect as Tethered Mommy.
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
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Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance http://stopdropandrelax.com/blog/ And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at http://www.StopDropandRelax.com and Prepare To Be Pampered.
Enter me!!! Thanks :)
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
Already a follower!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
Facebook fan!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by Wani's World. Enjoy the party!
ENTER ME! Thanks!! :)
Stopping by from UBP to say hi! Come visit me to! http://amomstake.blogspot.com/
Visiting from UBP! I love your layout and backgrounds. My son turned 4 today so I understand about them growing up so fast.
Enter me!
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follow on twitter @ilovefamily1
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi there! Nice to meet you! Stopping by for the UBP. So glad to see all your eco friendly encouragement on the blog!
I hope you can stop by our blog: http://inspiredgiftsblog.blogspot.com
Inspiredgifts.com is a mom owned newly launched site.
Have a beautiful day
jtrophy at gmail dot com
Stopping by for the UBP…but I am a regular reader. Please ENTER ME! I do almost all my shopping at Shop Rite! Thanks for the generous giveaway! Enjoy the party!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
Enter me ! jtrophy at gmail dot com
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@ jtrophy at gmail dot com
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jtrophy at gmail dot com
Count me in please!
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
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Facebook fan / Networked blogs follower@tcarolinep JessieKatie S.
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I'm a subscriber.
tweeted http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/12132715025 jtrophy at gmail dot com
Stopping by from UBP!
I would LOVE to do an Earth Day post for you!
Just let me know……
Check out my other blog: http://www.athomeonwheels.com
Cruising over from the UBP10 to say hi :) I am a big follower of your blog and please enter me, thank-you!
I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.
I am a Facebook fan (Tamara Bennington)
I am a subscriber by email and in reader.
so very nice to meet you, I am visiting from the UBP
tweeted http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/12203186383 jtrophy at gmail dot com
tweeted http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/12261790136 jtrophy at gmail dot com
Enjoyed your blog….This is such a fun party and I have met some of the greatest bloggers… I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit…just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night…..
thanks for the giveaway! would love to win..we have shoprite 2 blocks away!
following your blog
following you on twitter as luv_to_save
Saying hi from the blog party! Your blog looks pretty interesting and I'm excited about your Earth Day stuff. :-) I write about natural living and parenting at http://LifeMoreSimply.blogspot.com, so check me out sometime and maybe we can hook up for some guest posting!
Blog hopping, lovely blog! happy UBP 2010!!!
Enter me!!!!! I loved this party!! It was sooooo much fun seeing all the new blogs, and entering ALOT of giveaways!!!
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
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sarah mansfield coulsey
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sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
Enter Me!
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http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/12365072392 tweeted jtrophy at gmail dot com
Since I did not get to all the blogs during the blog party dates, I am going to keep going for a few days…I have found so many great blogs….wish I had time to read lots of posts on every blog and plan to come back to many. I am not going to have the prizes on mine sorted out until tomorrow, so anyone that leaves a comment Sat or Sun will go into a special drawing for SUPRISE GIFT. Hope you will stop by…
Enter me! (Thanks!)
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I follow via Google Friend: allibrary.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Thank you this is a very nice gieaway!
susan56bft at gmail dot com
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id:Susan Claus
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susan56bft at gmail dot com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
enter me
i follow your blog
Enter me please and thank you :)
And yes I would like a muffin ;)
I follow your blog as jelaws5
email subscriber
FB fan-Julie L
tweeted http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/12436577001 jtrophy at gmail dot com