My son did something awesome yesterday, something I never thought he would do! He got a haircut :D I’m grinnin‘. I’m smilin‘, I’m doin‘ the happy dance! He’s been growing it out for about 2 years with only a slight trim here and there. Everyone was always pickin‘ at him, especially his grandparents. I knew that in his own good time he would cut it, I’m not the kind of mom that makes my kids dress or look a certain way. I figure as long as they’re getting good grades and being a good person then it doesn’t really matter how they look (as long as they are CLEAN and no butts are hanging out of pants! lol). Anyway, when Mr. T. asked me Sunday evening if he could go to the Salon I didn’t make a big fuss, that is until AFTER it was cut! Oh, and you should have seen the look on the hair stylist face :) it was priceless, as was the pile of fuzzy hair that covered the floor when when was done!

After which he says, ” Mom, This is your Mother’s Day gift.” :)
I’m gonna get some gel in that hair before the weeks out.
What a great Mother’s Day present. But, I laugh because my son who is 15 has always wanted long hair, but knows it would probably be a lot of work to take care of.
This is true! I told mine he would have Dread Locks before long if he didn’t do something about it :)