My daughter and I are building strong bones together with Viactiv! #ViactivYoursandHers

Coming from a family with a host of health issues, I know how important it is to teach my teen daughter healthy habits that she can carry with her to adulthood. I try stay active to set an example for her. Though I’ve been lax about exercise lately, I’m hoping that she and I can start an activity outdoors this summer, be it going for daily walks or taking riding classes together — I am excited about spending some quality time doing healthy activities with her.

As someone who went through early menopause due to health issues, I know the importance of making sure to get enough calcium each day, in order to keep my bones strong and healthy. I have been supplementing my calcium intake with Viactiv Calcium Chews for several years now. Calcium has such an important place in our daily lives, as it strengthens our bones and teeth and helps our muscles, heart and nerves to function properly. So, it’s not hard to understand why calcium deficiency is a valid concern for women of all ages and stages.

Now that my daughter is 13, I have been actively speaking to her about vitamins and supplements to aid her in a healthy lifestyle. I was surprised to recently learn that according to a 2010 study published by ‘The Journal of Nutrition,’ that 86% of teenage girls are not getting enough calcium in their daily diets! In fact, a recent federal survey shows that only 15% of high school students drink milk, of which only 9% were teen girls!

Overall, 68% percent of adult women are calcium deficient. For teen girls, this deficiency comes at an especially crucial time for bone health, since 95% of bone building occurs by the time she’s 20!

As a mom, I want my daughter to know how to stay healthy, and why she needs to do certain things to stay that way. Staying up to date on teens and calcium information is one easy way to keep her informed.

Since calcium isn’t manufactured by the body, my teen daughter will benefit from eating a balanced diet that gives her enough calcium to build strong bones for tomorrow. And, while we try to do just that — with school and other activities — it’s not always easy making sure that she actually does eat that balanced diet every day! That’s why I’m now happily sharing my favorite calcium supplement with her, so we can build strong bones together!

The women in my life are important to me and whether it’s my mom, my favorite cousin, or especially my daughter — staying strong and healthy together is an important way to stay connected and around for each other longer.

Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are the #1 doctor-recommended calcium supplements and just two chews daily will provide you, or your loved ones, with 100% of the daily value calcium for most women, plus vitamins D3 and K.

I personally have used Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews all of these years because I have a horrible time trying to swallow pills of any size. My daughter is the same way so being able to share the individually wrapped chews with her, and knowing how easy to take and delicious Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are, really makes my heart happy.

For an easy way to see if you and your teen daughter are getting enough calcium, check out the calcium requirements table — you just may be surprised! After you know how much daily calcium you should be getting, in general, you should use the Viactiv and American Bone Health ‘Calcium Rule of 300,’ when estimating ways to maintain your calcium intake:

  • Many dairy foods containing calcium provide around 300 mg-350mg each (an 8 oz. glass of low-fat milk, yogurt, or calcium enriched orange juice)
  • Add another 300 mgs if you maintain a healthy diet on a daily basis.
  • If you get three calcium enriched servings a day through your diet, you may not need to supplement. However, if you don’t, consider Viactiv Soft Chews

Try Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews today!

Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are available in delicious milk chocolate and caramel flavors (caramel is my favorite!) and can be purchased at stores like Walmart, Rite Aid, Target, CVS, Walgreens and online at You can also connect with Viactive on their Facebook page or on

Get the latest information on Viactiv® Calcium Soft Chews at #ViactivYoursandHers

This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received two full-sized canisters of Viactiv® Calcium Soft Chews and a picture frame for my own personal use. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
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