Over the past few years, I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with some amazing PR companies and Brands. Specifically the ones who take the time to know my name, read my blog, treat me with respect and genuinely have an interest in working with mom bloggers like myself. Each time […]
Number One song the day you were born?
I was blog hopping this afternoon and ran across Cheryl’s ‘A Little Fun‘ post about the number one song the day she was born. I thought that really did sound like fun and hopped over to the Josh Hossler site myself to check out what mine was. It ended up being ‘Reunited’ by Peaches & […]
What’s Going On?
Since I missed Monday Melody this week I had to come share this video with you. Mr.T. showed it to me yesterday and i’m in love! Not only is this one great song, it’s being sung by none other than He-Man himself. All I have to say is , I need this as my ringtone. […]
Monday Melody (Bow) & Monday Mayhem (Job)
Monday afternoon came quickly today! Mr.T.’s been on YouTube listening to music all morning and I heard the song Blow Me Away playing so I looked it up. Then I clicked on “I Will Not Bow” and thought it was a pretty cool sounding song, so this one’s courtesy of my teen son ;) From […]
Monday Melody – Knee Deep
This is my favorite song right now. I love it. It makes me smile and sing along! Zac Brown Band has a unique sound that I just can’t get enough of. I must say this video kind of make me say what the frick, but it’s kind of funny and definitely amusing! Not […]
Monday Night Melody – Adele
Monday is almost over it’s true but we can still send it off with a great song! I’ll be missing in action for the next couple days, I am helping my cousin make a camouflage prom dress for her son’s girlfriend. Neither one of us has made anything like this before let alone any clothing […]
Monday Morning Melody – Patrick Swayze
I watched Dirty Dancing last night. Definitely in my top ten favorite movies of all time. It makes me cry every time. The actual Time of My Life video that I would love to share with you has embedding disabled so I can’t post it, if you have time it’s totally worth the 5 minutes […]
Monday Morning Melody – Stuck Like Glue
Monday again Woot! :) We had fun Easter and Spring break weekend and hope you did too. Here’s a little Monday music to get ya back into the week! Love Sugarland and Stuck Like Glue!