Humans were meant to move and be active; it’s how we were made. As time progressed from ancient to modern, we have lost some of our key reasons to why we as a species moved to survive. Technology has made it much easier on our bodies to get from one point to another without having […]
DDP Yoga Review – It Ain’t Your Mama’s Yoga!
Well, it may not be MY Mama’s yoga, but this mama is sure having fun with the DDP Yoga kit that I recently received for review! You may remember that I am taking my weight loss seriously and I’ve been tracking my workouts since late February. While they have been sporadic, April is turning out […]
I hate you elliptical. A workout whine session.
So, the elliptical machine and I are in a love hate relationship right now. I swear that after 45 minutes of awkward elliptical-ing, I have sweated buckets. Plus, it’s not like I’m taking the easiest program. No, I am not. I’ve tried Cardio, Hill (kill me), strength and interval settings from 30 minutes to 45 […]
Back to reality – plus my Workout Playlist
Everything has been going great with my new workout schedule! Except for the past week of sickness where you’ll notice an absence of working out on my part, blah. I really dislike being sick. Spending the last 4 days or so in my pjs, plus missing a few days of working out really put a […]
Holding myself accountable when Weight & Anxiety hold me back
This is a post that I’ve mulled over for a while now. I like to keep the blog upbeat but sometimes, I just need to get things out. So since this is my space.. here goes! Over the past year and a half, I have become lax and lazy about my fitness. Instead of going […]
Goals: My 2013-2014 Workout Record #gettingfit #fitness
I am kicking my butt into gear and holding myself accountable by keeping track with this workout record. I’ll be keeping notes below each workout table and just using this post throughout the year as a tool to hopefully keep myself motivated. And, to remind myself that I can do it! While I am starting […]