It has been a couple months since I excitedly announced that I was a Verizon Wireless Savvy Moms Ambassador! Since then, I have been enjoying every minute with the first device I was sent to test. My Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone has become a constant companion. Wherever I go, she goes (yes, she!). Over […]
Sometimes, it’s the simple things #VZWSM #samp
September 19, 2012 By 3 Comments
I have been exploring new ways to use my Galaxy S III this month. Sometimes it ends up being the simplest things that can make life so much easier! So far this month, I discovered three new ways to use my phone for productivity, fun and better communication. Frustration-free Texting I am an awful texter. […]
How not to put a screen protector on the Galaxy SIII #VZWSM
August 26, 2012 By 9 Comments
I’ve been talking a lot about the joys of owning a smart phone lately. What I have failed to mention are the struggles I have had by being a smart phone owner who is a dork. When I received my new Samsung Galaxy S III last month, I was so excited about the large screen. […]