So, as a mom of older kids, I don’t get to share adorable photos of them blowing spit bubbles and running around with chubby cheeks and pigtails. I do however have two amazing and funny human beings hanging around that I’m lucky enough to call my children — one in middle school and one who […]
It goes on — Monday Quote
No matter what we may be dealing with in our everyday life — loss of love ones, unexpected surprises, unemployment — there is one quote that always seems to ring true. Sometimes it helps to remember that even when things are worse than you ever imagined they could be, that it won’t be forever. Life […]
Don’t Let Today – Monday Quotes #quote
I hope your Monday is going well so far! I slept in and missed Jazzercise yet again. I need to get some sleep. Lately I have just not been able to fall asleep, last night I glanced a the clock after tossing and turning for the umpteenth time and it was after 4am. I’m going […]
Life isn’t about – Monday morning quote
I love this quote for a Monday morning! Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself – George Bernard Shaw
Wordless Wednesday – Just in what they are #ww #linky
Another photo from my daughter. I just added the quote. She found this butterfly on our porch after a rain shower. Even in death, it was gorgeous. Link up so I can come peek at your Wordless Wednesday posts! Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets — Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!This preview will disappear when the […]