Mark your calendars for another great Lands’ End Event! Join Lands’ End and Vickie Howell, host of TV’s Knitty Gritty, for a Twitter Party to celebrate the kick-off the FeelGood Campaign! The party will feature more than 20 fun giveaways ranging from the FeelGood sweater and Vickie Howell’s books to Lands’ End gift cards and […]
Lands’ End Twitter Party!
August 6, 2009 By Leave a Comment
Mark your calendars because you definitely won’t want to miss this! Join Lands’ End for the Ultimate Back-to-School Twitter Party for shopping solutions, giveaways and fun! Date: Thursday, August 20thTime: 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. CSTLocation: #landsend (Twitter hashtag) Lands’ End hosts will be available to answer back-to-school shopping questions and the party will feature […]