Wordless Wednesday – Snowy Spring #ww

The Groundhog lied. But I’m fine with it, I love the snow. We have a Lake Effect Advisory! Ginger and KiKi are not as thrilled as I am. Not at all.

Wordless Wednesday – Snowy Whiskers #ww

These snowy whiskers kill me! I just love watching Ginger dog and KiKi play together in the snow, they’re so cute! And seeing the snowflakes catch in their whiskers is even cuter! Oh, Ginger Dog! You are such a sweetheart! I can’t believe you’ll be 10 years old this year. Thanks for being my roly-poly […]

Wordless Wednesday – Evil Tree Kitty #ww

You would think she was all sweet and innocent.  I laughed my butt off at this photo of Kiki! She looks so funny attacking the tree and was so into it that she almost fell out, lol!

{almost} Wordless Wednesday – a long autumn day #ww

Just sharing a few photos from my Tuesday! Chris put new brake pads on the Durango, Umm, super glad he did because as you can see from the one on the left, they were GONE! Spent awhile with my favorite kitty, KiKi, she is getting so big!