I may have shared this photo on the blog before, but it is one of my favorites, so here it is again! This is the perfect Throwback Thursday photo of my cousin and I! I’m fairly certain we were wearing our Gramma and Grampa’s coats, hats, earmuffs and gloves and just being plain silly. I […]
Wordless Wednesday – Day at Presque Isle State Park #ww
Last Thursday, Pie and I picked up our two favorite cousins and spent the entire day at the lake. It was a perfect 73 degrees and partly sunny and while we didn’t swim — we did have the most wonderful time digging for lake glass, wading along the shore and exploring the many beaches of […]
Wordless Wednesday – 38th annual family reunion #ww
It was a chilly yet beautiful day for our family’s annual gathering at this park this past weekend! I didn’t realize it was the 38th year! I have been going for many of those. It’s fun to reconnect with family I don’t get to see often, yet very sad to look around and see all […]
Photographs of our Life – Visit
How was your weekend? I hope it was nice! We ended up having a really fun one. I always love it when my brother comes for a visit, we only get to see him once, maybe twice, a year since he’s in the Army. My kids love playing with their cousins and it’s fun to […]