My next task on my Blog-to-do-list is to figure out how to get a link bar up with links to various parts of my blog! I also need to make a few of those parts/posts yet! I know it’s probably extremely simple to do, but I always seem to do things the HARD way. At […]
Welcome to the new Blog
April 9, 2009 By 1 Comment
I have finally gotten this blog to look the way I want it! I’m so excited to start using it and hopefully I can start blogging a bit more regularly about things people might actually care about!
A Lens that you need to read!
January 24, 2009 By Leave a Comment
I’ve been very busy lately and just can’t seem to find the time to blog! I did run across this great Lens on Squidoo that was written by a fellow Bonanzle seller, eyecatchingbeauty. The Lens is very well written and has some great content! Check it out!
Comment Confusion
I absolutely love comments! they make me happy, make me feel like someone is really visiting my blog and caring about something I have to say! What I don’t love is trying to figure out how to actually reply to a comment! I mean how do you do this effectively? I would like to reply […]