If you have a little fairy-loving girl in your home, then check out these adorable and free Halloween Craft Ideas from Tinker Bell! Celebrate with complete instruction for Tink’s Pumpkin Party. You’ll join Tink and her friends as they make delicious fairy friendly party cakes, easy DIY fairy wings, a fairy lantern out of a pumpkin […]
Tinker Bell is Flitterific in Secret of the Wings Movie #Review
I do believe in fairies — always have, always will. Which is why I love spending time in the fantasy land that Disney has created with all of its Tinker Bell movies, books and products. Set to release on October 23rd, “Secret of The Wings” is the fourth and newest Disney Fairies feature length movie […]
Disney’s Cinderella: Diamond Edition released October 2nd 2012
“Cinderelly, Cinderelly Night and day, it’s Cinderelly! Make the fire, fix-a breakfast, wash the dishes, do the mopping…” Without fail, Gus’ little voice starts singing this song every time I think about Cinderella! I love this movie, and all of the characters, which is why I am so glad to share that Disney just released the Cinderella: […]
Tinker Bell’s Top Fall Gardening Tips + a new Disney Fairies Movie!
My daughter may not be so little anymore, but she still loves the Disney Tinker Bell movies. {so do I!} Just last night we watched Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue on TV! That’s why we are so excited to hear that Disney is coming out with a brand new Tinker Bell movie this […]
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack Movie Review
Dr. Seuss has been a part of our lives since, well, forever! When my son was a baby, I collected as many Seuss books as I could find. His two favorites were Are you My Mother? and The Lorax. When I found The Lorax TV special on DVD in the 90’s, when he was still […]