No one was hungry for supper last night so I decided to make myself some pancakes. And no, not from a box mix, homemade pancakes are super simple and so much better! After a few minutes of pancake cooking, I did manage to lure two family members to the kitchen. They must have smelled pretty […]
My favorite Egg Salad sandwich #recipe
You either love an egg salad sandwich, or you hate it. I happen to enjoy them, especially in the summer when my chickens are laying eggs like crazy. Sandwiches are the perfect way to use up all of those excess eggs! This is a quick recipe that can be varied to suite any taste, this […]
Bacon Bagel Sandwiches #recipe bring smiles
Let’s get one thing straight right now, this sandwich is not great for you. It is simple, quick, delicious, crunchy, tangy and made from things that like to clog your arteries. Please tell me that you aren’t going to try and lighten it up with fat free sour cream or turkey bacon, that defeats the […]
Great Northern Beans and Ham in the slow cooker #recipe
We always always always have some sort of ham and beans dish for New Year’s Day. Pork, legumes and greens are three delicious and versatile foods that are supposed to be Good Luck when consumed on the first day of the New Year. Why tempt fate if bringing good luck could be as simple as […]
One Bowl Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake #recipe
Cake is often on the list of good luck foods to eat on New Year’s day, yes most specify that it should be round cake but to me; cake is cake is cake. The other day on Facebook, my cousin mentioned that she had just made mayo cake from our Gramma’s Amish cookbook. Oh yum! I remember […]
Baking with my daughter
Pie and I have spent the last two days baking up sweet treats for Christmas. Instead of sharing every single recipe with you, I thought I would just share the pictures, and link to recipes similar to the ones I used. My only excuse for doing it this way is that I’m tired and lazy […]
Meatless Dinner Recipe: Lentil Tomato Soup
We have been eating a ton of soup lately! It’s quick easy and can be a good way to trick your family into eating healthy! Since my son’s girlfriend is a vegetarian, I’ve had to get a little creative when she is staying for supper. One of my favorites so far is this slightly sweet, yet […]
{I cheated} Twice Baked Cheesy Herb Potatoes #recipe
I hadn’t had twice baked potatoes in years so when the thought crossed my mind to make them last weekend, I couldn’t resist. Honestly, you could throw pretty much whatever you want in to these and they would still taste delicious. I’ve seen them made with broccoli, ham, hard boiled eggs, spinach and all sorts […]
Butternut Squash Soup with Parmesan Toasts
Here’s a recipe I originally posted October 26th, 2011. I’ve been craving it and didn’t think it would hurt to re-share it with you all again :) The changing colors of autumn always make me want to savor all of the season’s bounty of apples, pumpkins, and most importantly – squash! I had a counter […]
10 sweet and savory Pumpkin Recipes to celebrate Fall #pinterest
Pumpkins pumpkins everywhere! Just because Halloween is over it doesn’t mean we should forget about one of Autumn’s most versatile vegetables…er… I mean fruit!! No matter what it is, the pumpkin has so many more uses than just pie – Use it to liven up cool weather stews, casseroles, breads, sweets and savory dishes! Here […]
Picnic Food: Crock pot twice Baked Beans
This past Saturday my cousin hosted a potluck party to celebrate her son’s graduation from high school last Spring, and so we could all gather around and give him well wishes for his next journey. On Monday he left for boot camp, my cousin is going off to make himself into a Marine! We are […]
Chicken Tortilla Soup – easy dinner recipe
My son has been asking me to make this soup since last super bowl when we tried it for the first time! I keep forgetting about it though. Yesterday I finally picked up the ingredients and surprised him with it for supper last night. The whole family was happy to see it and I haven’t […]