Monday Melody (Maybe) & Monday Mayhem (www)

monday melody I love Ingrid Michaelson’s voice so much! She has that soulful old fashioned voice that has so much depth to it, but with a modern twist. We’ve been working out to her song, “Everybody”, for the past week or so and it’s a happy song to end the workout to. I love “Maybe” as well, the video is so fun! In fact, I don’t think she has a song I don’t like, I need to get her album :)


And, I’ve decided I like this meme so here’s installment number five.


Join Us for Monday Mayhem

Welcome to Monday Mayhem.

Today’s Meme is about internet frustrations.
Simply answer the questions and vent.
Oh, and have fun too.

1. Is anything ever easy to do on the internet? What do you think is surprisingly easy to do online?

It surprisingly easy to lose an entire week day online.

2. What should be the punishment for the person who invented this captcha (…btw…when is it ever that easy to read?)?

Captcha is the devil. Its inventor should have their eyeballs poked out with a french fry, (someone else’s phrase, but I like) since that’s what it feels like sometimes when I’m trying to read the darn hidden guess-what-I-am words.

3. What is your secret name for the circle or the hourglass that comes up?

That’s my cue to start whining, Oh my God!! This thing is so sloooow!

4. What is the worst browser and what makes it so bad?

Internet explorer. I hate it with a passion. It is slow, clunky, spammy and ugly! FF is getting slow on me now too so I’ve resorted to using Chrome which isn’t too bad unless you’re trying to fill out a form or click on a check box… Chrome does not like those little boxes – annoying!

5. If we were to start an internet police, what law would you enact?

The Never-ever-ever-send-me-a-nigerian-scam-letter-claiming-I’m-a-millionaire-(Or-your-one-true-love-forever)-again Police.

6. For violators of your law, what should the punishment be?

Death by Teacup!! (Riddick reference only my 10 year old daughter would get)

7. And, the number one internet annoyance is?

Sharing it with my family – The internet is mine, all MINE! (:

8. The most frustrating thing on the internet is?

Hmmm, Facebook.

Thanks for playing and have a great week! I’m linked up at



About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    heeeheeee with a French Fry! Too funny!
    I hate sharing my bandwidth with my kids too. My daughter has just discovered Netflix and I keep getting these nasty emails telling me she is blowing out my bandwidth.

    Thanks for playing1
    Have a great week!

I ♥ your comments
