Tomisms: Funny things my son posts on Facebook #1

So, as  a mom of older kids, I don’t get to share adorable photos of them blowing spit bubbles and running around with chubby cheeks and pigtails. I do however have two amazing and funny human beings hanging around that I’m lucky enough to call my children — one in middle school and one who just finished his first year of college and is currently in his room screaming into his Xbox headset — o.o

Soooo… in lieu of cute photos, here is a new series called –

Funny Crap my son posts on Faceboook, or just simply put — Tomisms.


“I’m the smartest of my people, because I know, that I know nothing at all.”


“Don’t blow giant bubbles with gum if you have a beard..”

(After I saw this post, I immediately went in search of son to see if he did in fact have gum in his beard. Unfortunately, I was too late for the priceless photo opp I’m sure that would have happened had I been a few minutes quicker!)

Don't blow giant bubbles with gum if you have a beard


“So I almost worked out today.. But I heard a cry for help and when I got to the location of pleading, Ice cream was sad, so I ate it.”


“Here’s a list of 10 things I do not like just cuz!”

1) Storms
2) Deep water
3) Olives
4) charcoal
5) cotton balls
6) Mustard
7) Thick material clothing
8) Styrofoam anything
9) Bland soup
10) mud


“Happy mom day mom, hope you enjoy doing mom things. Like wacking chickens with giant flowers on LOTRO or other stuff like that.”


Yep, I asked my son for his permission to share the random things he posts to Facebook, and I stole this photo from him, too.

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Bwahahahahaha! First world problems with bubbles and beards, huh? LOL. That is hilarious!

  2. 2

    My second oldest is sporting a beard right now too, and my oldest says it’s the first thing he’s going to do when he gets out of the military. ;) Your son looks good with it!!

    And on your list of things not to like… I don’t like cold weather (it’s 50-degrees here in May, bleh). :)

  3. 3

    He is funny! I love this … great sense of humor!

  4. 4

    You asked? LOL I NEVER ask. Love it!

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