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Most families love to watch films together. Whether they are comedies, cartoons or action-packed movies, settling down on the sofa to see new DVD releases is a great way to get together as a family. Here are some ideas to make family movie-nights even more enjoyable.
Food and Drink for Family Movie Night
Most of the items usually sold in cinema concessions, like popcorn, bags of chocolates and soft drinks, can be easily purchased from the supermarket. Readymade bagged popcorn and microwave popcorn is available in the shops, but for a real treat, make your own popcorn using a large pan with a lid. This is surprisingly easy and great fun to do.
Children will love making a concession stand from a cardboard box, or adapting one from play items like a toy kitchen. They can lay out food and drink, and use toy money to pay for it. Another fun thing for them to make is entrance tickets that each person has to hand in at the door. Many websites have cinema ticket templates that can be printed out, as well as templates for making popcorn boxes.
Family Movie Theme Nights
Certain times of year lend themselves to movie themes that are available in new DVD releases. Halloween is the perfect time to enjoy an evening of spooky movies, tailored to the ages of the children, accompanied by scary decorations and trick-or-treat sweets. Christmas and Valentine’s Day also have lots of theme possibilities, but you can have decorations, dressing-up and food to accompany many different films.
A Jack Sparrow evening would be fun, or a Finding Nemo night with various fishy-type snacks. Older children would enjoy a Grease evening, with 50’s style diner food and drink, or a Twilight evening with a vampire theme. You could even have an outdoor movie night in the summer if you have a projector.
Family Movie Night Rules
It is a good idea to schedule family movie night as a regular occurrence, either weekly or monthly. Parents should make sure not to arrange any late meetings for that night, and children try and clear their homework before the movie night. Have a strict rule of no mobile phone, tablet or laptop use during the film.
Cinema visits have become very expensive, with high ticket, food and drink prices and the added cost of public transport, petrol and parking. A weekly movie night is a great way to save money and relax as a family.
*guest post
I love family movie nights. We don’t do them all that often because my kids get bored before the movie is over most of the time.
It can be so hard to find a movie that will keep everyone’s attention for the whole thing, especially when the kids are younger!
I have found that my kids and I do this more than we do it as a whole family. My kids and I share more of a taste for the same movies. My husband will watch on occasion but usually it’s just me and the kids.
We just watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, one of my all-time favorites!
We end up doing it that way a lot of the time as well. My daughter and I like the same type of movies while my son and husband tend to be similar. We do like to go out the the movie theater a few times a year all together as a family though! My daughter and I just watched Grease for the umpteenth time the other day :)
I can’t wait to watch Grease with my kids! My all-time favorite movie!
I love family movie nights. We don’t schedule them regularly, but I bet everyone in the house would love if we did!
We love doing movie nights atleast twice a month with lots of good snacks. We try and get the older kids that have moved out to join us.
We like to do a family movie night about once a month. A lot of the time it’s the kids schedules that dictate when we can do it. I like the idea of doing a theme. I think I will try that next time we have my whole family over for dinner. Turn it into Family Movie Night and have a fun theme.
We like movie nights, too. Just not on Friday. Fridays are excitedly reserved for football!! Go team…can’t wait. It’s so much fun.