ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda Kitchen & Laundry Tips



If you are anything like me, ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda may have been one of the very first things you purchased when you moved into your own home. {what’s a kitchen without baking soda??} Growing up, I knew that I could use baking soda for everything from baking cookies to soothing a bee sting and scrubbing the dirty dinner dishes. Over the years, I don’t think there has ever been a time when I didn’t have at least one box of this versatile and extremely affordable product in my cupboard. 

Which is why I am really excited to be part of the ARM & HAMMER Influencer Network! Over the next few months, Ill be sharing a few more great ARM & HAMMER products, and maybe even some surprises just for you! This month, I want to keep it super simple with some of my favorite baking soda uses in the kitchen and laundry area. What I  love most about ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda is that it is so easy to use and I have absolutely no worries about using it around my kids or pets since there are no harmful chemicals in baking soda. ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda is a great solution that just works, let me tell you how I use it!

My Favorite Baking Soda Uses!


The Classic Fridge Freshener

My Gramma N. always had a beat up box of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda sitting on a shelf in her fridge. With so many smells wafting around in that enclosed space, the fridge can get pretty funky smelling. Baking soda absorbs those odors and helps keep the fridge smelling fresh for up to 30 days per box! Foods will taste better longer without which means you can simply enjoy the flavors, the way they’re meant to taste!

A Multi-Use Cleaner with Punch

If there is a dirty surface or item in your home, more than likely, you can use baking soda to clean it. I use baking soda on a daily basis to clean things around the house, everything from my microwave, the hard water build-up on my husband’s drip coffee carafe, the kitchen sink, stove top and even the white soles of my sneakers. I just make a paste with the baking soda and a bit of water, then use a washcloth, paper towel or sponge to scrub away. It’s easily the most used cleaning product in my home.  


Super Easy Drain Deodorizer

If you notice a musty aroma drifting out of the sink drain, you may just want to do a quick deodorize with baking soda and water. Just like the fridge use, the baking soda will neutralize those pesky drain smells and freshen up the drains in the bathroom or kitchen. Just pour a half cup of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda down the drain along with warm tap water — in fact, why not do this once a month when you replace the box in your fridge? No waste and you’ve got a fresher smelling home with very little effort.

A Safe Fruit and Veggie Scrub

Sometimes simple water just isn’t enough to wash up those fruits and vegetables that I bring home from the store or in from the garden. A bit of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda and a produce brush work together to help remove dirt, wax residue and all of those fingerprints from our fresh foods. I also learned that using baking soda to scrub a potato before baking leaves the skin nice and clean, just right for skin-on baked potatoes!


Banish Pet Bed Odors

Our dog is old and she doesn’t always smell so great. To keep her pet bed cleaning between laundering and her baths, I like to freshen it up. A sprinkle of baking soda does the trick. I let it sit on the bed for 5 -15 minutes (depending on when I remember to come back!) and then vacuum as usual. It really does a good job of absorbing all of those interesting doggy smells!

Fresh Towels and Clothes

This is one tip I didn’t know about but since trying it, I will be using it more often! Did you know that adding 1/2 cup of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda to a load of wash helps your detergent work harder by balancing the pH? That means fresher, brighter, cleaner clothes! Clothes really do come out fresh and smell great. 

I also recently tried the ARM & HAMMER Ultra Power 4X Liquid Laundry Detergent, a great baking soda product made specifically for getting our clothes 50% whiter and fresher compared to a leading value detergent per load. The bottle may look small but with 2 cups of baking soda packed into the ultra-concentrated detergent, this is one powerful bottle of laundry soap! I loved how fresh-smelling my clothes were after using this detergent. The Refreshing Falls scent is nice and I like that the bottle has less waste because of its compact size. At around $4.97 a bottle, where I shop, this is a great price for 60 loads of laundry!*

*CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. In case of eye contact, flush with water. If swallowed drink a glass of water. IN either case, call a physician. If on skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Also available in Perfume & Dye Free.


Keep In Touch!

ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda has been helping families like ours for over 165 years. It’s one option we can count on to be kid and pet friendly, environmentally safe, pure, effective and very economical in so many areas throughout our home! 

To find more household tips, reviews and other ways to use baking soda, please visit ARM & HAMMER™’s website, you can also find a location to purchase ARM & HAMMER™ products near you and sign up for the ARM & HAMMER Savings Center where you’ll find coupons and promotional offers. Also, be sure to connect with ARM & HAMMER™ on Facebook and look for the #ARMANDHAMMER hashtag on your favorite social media sites for updates and news.

How does ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda fit into your Life?

Do you have any baking soda tips for me? I’d love to hear them!

Product information, compensation and complimentary review product were provided by ARM & HAMMER™ Influencer Network. Of course, all thoughts and opinions are genuine and 100% my own.


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    I didn’t know it would help with the hard water stains on the coffee carafe, woot!

    The only laundry detergent that works good w/the well water is Arm & Hammer w/Oxi…well, the only one we’ve found. And when you find something that works, you’re leery to try something else.

    • 2

      We have well water that is frankly quite horrible so I know what you mean! The Ultra Power 4X Liquid Laundry Detergent did a good job on our clothes and they did come out smelling good and feeling soft to the touch which isn’t always the case with out hard water!

  2. 3

    That coffee carafe one is a good tip. They all are, actually :)

  3. 4

    I honestly never realized the many uses for this beyond fridge refresher that is. Thanks for sharing! Oh and I always buy Arm & Hammer brand Baking Soda, always!

    • 5

      Absolutely, it’s just one of those products where brand matters and it’s so affordable there’s no reason not to buy Arm & Hammer! Glad yo ufound the tips useful!

  4. 6

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I use most of them, but I never thought about washing fruit with it. I’m sure that will help the wax build up. I can’t wait to try it.

  5. 8

    I really need to use baking soda for more things then just cooking!! I’ve been sprinkling some on the carpet before I vacuum it lately so there is that. :)

  6. 9
    Dana Rodriguez says

    great tips!

  7. 10

    How do you use baking soda to clean burnt food on bottom of a pan..


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