This post brought to you by Ripley’s Believe It or Not!. All opinions are 100% mine.
Our family loves the weird and unusual, we also watch every episode of Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! that we come across. So when I heard about the latest Ripley’s book — Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Download the Weird, I knew I had to check it out. Every Ripley’s book that we’ve read in thepast has been extremely entertaining. Sometimes in an “Ewww, that’s so gross” way, and other times in a “Wow, that is totally amazing” type of way. Either one leaves all of us completely fascinated and wanting more!
Ripley’s has been entertaining folks for over 90 years now and this latest book has everything that Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! is known for. There are stories of how tourists risk their lives just to have a photo taken with an 18′ long crocodile. A story about a California man who has been in over 950 violent car crashes and a story about the world’s oddest couple — he swallows weird things like hedge clippers while she hangs upside down and lifts weights by her hair! So very weird!
Download The Weird is just packed to the gills with stories like those and more! From lists, interviews and crazy facts, this book will be one that I think the kids will have a hard time putting down! I am interested in reading the section about the Titanic facts, as well as the story of The Elephant Man! The curiosity is killing me right now!
Reading about all of these strange oddities is one thing, seeing them is a whole other story. To go along with the Download The Weird book, you can download the free Ripley’s App from iTunes or Android, and get up close and personal with all the weirdness!
Once you have the app, the real fun begins. While reading the book, you’ll be able to make the weird stories come alive when you point a smartphone or advanced iPod at the special oddSCAN logos that are scattered throughout the book.
The logos will unlock hidden content — think shocking videos and strange images to go along with the book’s stories. Check out this video with a peek into just some of the app’s content.
Go ahead, buy the book and download the Ripley’s Belive It Or Not! free app! You can try out the sample content first by downloading the app now, if you like. I did and must say it didn’t disappoint. The app downloaded quickly and worked well, the sample content is pretty gross and cool at the same time — definitely something the kids will love!
When I was a kid, I got the latest version of Ripley’s Believe it or Not every single year. I loved looking through it and I forgot all about it until you just mentioned it. I think my oldest would love this, so I might pick up a copy for him for Christmas.