The Art of Maximizing Spare Time

just do itIn today’s busy world, no one can afford to obsess over finding a dream vacation, or discovering the perfect art form to devote one’s time to. So often, the reality is that we must take what fun we can get, especially in those stolen moments of spare recreation time that we occasionally accrue. Hence, the trend nowadays is to find a relatively easy pastime, one that doesn’t require too much hassle or an excessively large time commitment.

If such a model appeals to you, then perhaps the perfect pastime might actually be an instrument. More specifically, given the busy lifestyle most people lead now, the said instrument is ideally small, maybe something like a wooden flute or a taking ukulele lessons.

Such instruments don’t require much time to learn, nor will they take up too much physical space. In fact, with enough lessons and practice, one can improve massively, with rather small amounts of effort or initial expenditure. Of course, that’s not to say that effort isn’t necessary, only that less effort is needed to achieve more results.

That said, how can you maximize your already-small amount of time, and obtain the best results even while you’re doing so? If you’ve ever wondered about such a thing, read on!

Regularity is your friend.

At first, don’t force yourself to spend half an hour or more playing your new instrument. Most likely, thirty minutes will already be hard to stick by, so don’t make things too hard on yourself. Commit to tinier chunks, perhaps one practice session for 15 mins day. You’ll soon be surprised at wanting to increase that length, until such time that your instrument fully becomes part of your life. 

Marshal everything you can.

If you want big results in shorter time than the average, then marshal all of the resources available to you. Go ahead and scour the internet for usable information, and don’t be afraid of taking the first step.

Just do it.

At some point, you’ll actually have to go out there and do things. At this phase, be okay with your mistakes, learn from them and then just grow.

All that said, go forth with a smile on your face, and make the most of what you have!

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    For the longest time, I had such a hard time utilizing my spare time. I would have a few minutes here and a few minutes there, but about a year ago I discovered Zumba, so I started combining all those spare minutes and go to class 4 or 5 times a week now. Of course, my house is usually demolished by the time I get back, but I guess I can’t have it all.

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