Job Seekers Do’s and Dont’s

newspaper adBefore beginning that dive into a new job, seekers need to make sure that job is going to be around for a little while. Many jobs have been put off or are closing their doors because the technology is no longer needed or simply because of bad business practices.

Always begin your job search with a plan. Perhaps in the beginning the plan is to work in a certain job sector. If so make a list of the jobs that are available in your area or even broaden that list to include jobs nationally available in the area.

Job seekers should always strive to keep their horizons broadened and make sure that before they choose a certain job that they have certainly made the right choice. Making yourself available online, through certain social media channels, will certainly help your job hunting, and expose those companies that you would be more prone to work with and for.

Social networking will connect you with over 150 million people in a single fell swoop. Networking online is a huge part of a new job seekers skill set. It is a good idea to sign up for various social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn and others. The market is currently flooded with at least 10 good industries to choose from.

Some Job Industry Trends Include:

  • Online Eyeglass sales
  • Green building construction
  • Hot Sauce
  • Social network gaming

In this example, LTD Commodities has many opportunities for job seekers who are looking to join a company that is ready to venture forth with a company that is heading in the right direction. When making a career change in an ever changing market make sure that the market you are going with is forging new ground or has gained a reputation for excellence.

Jobs at LTD Commodities, LLC is not only going to provide you with the career satisfaction that you need,  but will also give you pride in knowing that you will be working with a family owned and orientated company.

Too often job seekers become desperate and simply for the first job offer that they are given. Switching to a field with a demanding output will not only gain you the job you need but will secure you in the field  that you need it too. The market is growing and as more and more people enter a new season of shopping for 2013, so too is the demand for jobs.

Tips for seeking the career you want.

  • Search for companies with an established reputation
  • Work on networking with companies that have a reparation of making their employees a priority
  • See yourself as valuable
  • Consider what you want from a career
  • Are you going to be working in a field that is intrinsically rewarding?

Careers are ever changing, but most companies do not have the establish reputation that LTD Commodities, LLC does. They are passing by, while LTD has been consistently offered in the US for over 40 years. 

About the Author

A Hen's Nest occasionally partners with other knowledgeable authors, on subjects that interest her, or that she thinks will interest her readers.


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