Make Something Astrobright: Make a Mustache Mobile

This post brought to you by Astrobrights Papers by Neenah Paper. All opinions are 100% mine.

We're preparing to go back to school at the end of the month, which means we'll need to stock up on lots of different papers for projects, reports and crafts. AstroBrights paper are one of my favorites! They have 23 bright, bold, and beautiful colors to choose from and the paper is nice and thick. Perfect for crafting!

We participated in the "Make Something Astrobright " Challenge recently! Since Pie is obsessed with mustaches at the moment (why mustaches?), we brainstormed for a back-to-school craft that incorporated her hairy fascination. 

Finally, she came up with a Mustache Mobile!

What does this have to do with going back to school ? Well, wait and see! 

To create her mustache mobile we used a laminator, a paper punch, craft ribbon in various colors, a wire mobile, dry erase markers and of course, AstroBrights Papers! To start, Pie printed out many mustache shapes and then laminated them using her favorite AstroBrights papers colors. If you are a good artist, you could freehand the mustaches instead of printing them.

Mustache Mobile with AstroBrights Paper

After cutting out her paper mustaches, we used a paper punch to add hanging holes. Then, in between giggling at each other as we tried on the bright mustaches, we tied each mustache onto a wire mobile with craft ribbon.

To make her colorful mustache mobile relate to school, We used dry erase markers to write words onto the mustaches. Since they are laminated, she can easily wipe away the words to write whatever she wants on them! To start, we thought about what she was looking forward to about going back to school and used those words on her mobile.

Just a few of the words that she wrote on her mustachese were: Flute, Friends, Lunch, History, Lockers, Books, Homework and Basketball. 

AstroBrights Papers mustache mobile craft

Pie instructed me to hang her creation in her room above her mirror so she can see it each morning as she gets ready for school. We had a really fun time creating a craft together with the AstroBrights papers and I am proud of Pie for being so excited about getting back to school! 

Right now, you can get excited too because AstroBrights wants you to participate in the Make Something Astrobright design challenge as well! Create a family-friendly craft that focuses on back-to-school using AstroBrights Papers. Submit your project photos and videos via Pinterest and Twitter using the hashtag #goastobrights for a chance to win fun prizes like AstroBrights Paper and more!

You can also visit AstroBrights papers on Facebook to enter the Give A Brighter Year Sweepstakes for a chance to win $30,000 in supplies for your favorite K-8 school. Plus, you'll win a $500 gift card for yourself!

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About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a tech loving, video game playing, pr friendly single mom / gramma blogger who talks about life with a teen daughter, an adult son, a toddler granddaughter and all that it entails. Subscribe to A Hen's Nest for giveaways, delicious family recipes, reviews and more!



  1. 1

    That is SO cute! Did you guys make the mobile hangers or buy them somewhere? I’ve had a few cute mobile ideas but didn’t want to mess with making the metal part.

  2. 3
    Jenny Sims says

    That is hilarious, and of course mustaches are so hot right now! Love the bright colors of the paper!

  3. 4

    LOL… I see her mustache fascination has spurred some creativity :)

  4. 5

    Since they are laminated, she can easily wipe away the words to write whatever she wants on them! To start, we thought about what she was looking forward to about going back to school and used those words on her mobile.


  1. […] and hoping for the best! My daughter and I also spent an afternoon creating a back to school “mustache mobile” for her to hang in her room. It was a fun project and a cute way to get her excited for a […]

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