School! It’s almost time for kids to be heading back to those hallways, books and classrooms! MySillyMonkeys.com is hosting a fun Back2School event where you can win everything from gift cards to gear!
Amazon has you covered for back to school, buy supplies, clothes, backpacks and even lunch snacks to pack and have them delivered right to your door!
Win a $200.00 Amazon.com or Amazon.ca gift card!
Thank you to MySillyMonkeys for organizing this giveaway. One lucky reader will win a $200 Amazon gift card giveaway! WooHoo!
Entry is super easy using the Rafflecopter form below. Just complete as many entries as you like! Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada ages 18+ only and will end on August 31, 2012 at 11:59 pm est.
I would get a Blu-Ray player! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!
All my kids need nw backpacks so the JanSport Wasabi Backpacks would be great, and we would all love an ereader as well
saving for a laptop
I would get some of the books that are on my teens school reading lists for this year. I’m also saving Amazon codes to try and get a new exercise bike for our family.
The kids always need new lunch boxes and backpacks!
I would get clothes and back packs for my grandkids
id get the kids new character blankets
possibly the Black & Decker MM875 Lawn Hog 19-Inch 12 amp Electric Mulching Mower with Rear Bag
I would use it for college textbooks for my son!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would buy an Ipod for my son for Christmas!
I might get the Kindle Touch 3G
I would put it up for christmas. Hubby wants a lear guitar which is 400 dollars and the kids want and xbox kinect and super nintendo.
I would get an iPhone
I’d get a Kindle Fire.
I would buy my daughter a kindle fire of her own
I would buy the XBox 360 that my son has been wanting for his birthday.
I’d get an ice cream maker and some bulk ingredients to make the icecream :)
Shoes for the five of us (school and work!)
I would get the Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor. I’ve had this on my wish list for awhile!
I would get my son various Dora the Explorer toys, They only have pink ones in stores and Amazon is the only place that carries the unisex ones and also have a great selection.
I would buy honest kitchen love dog food!
I would probably buy clothes and shoes.
I’d buy makeup & hair products!
I would pay for my textbooks.
Lots of new cookware.
I’d buy some Jazz CD’s and books.
I’d totally use it to stock up groceries, I’mn thinking of working on pantry items and this would be perfect!
Thanks for the chance to win!
a kindle fire!
clothes for sure
I would buy the Kindle 3G :D I would love to win :)
I would get Christmas presents for my kids.
Folding Hammock – http://www.amazon.com/Strathwood-Portable-Folding-Chocolate-Champagne/dp/B001BSOSDA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1342741611&sr=8-1&keywords=Folding+Hammock
i would get my textbook for school
oh i would get a used ipod touch T-T i’ve been saving for it with my graduation money and helping my grandmother in the yard
i really would love to get a kindle fire!!
I really need it for books since I’m in college now.
I would get the Jack Post Woodlawn Double Glider with Bronze Frame
I would buy some early Christmas presents for my first grandchild who will be here just in time to celebrate with us.
I’d get a Kindle Touch 3G & some books.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter needs xlarge sheets for her college room and misc. stuff for her college dorm room.
The Hunger Games box Set.
I’d buy new cookware
I would get a Kindle Fire with it :)
I would save it for Christmas presents!
I’d buy Christmas items….
computer scanner
paper shredder
ladies computer tote
my daughters soccer stuff
a kindle!
I would buy some house supplies and maybe books and movies.