May has always been my favorite month! Mostly because I love the spring weather ☼ and I love it when the green leaves seem to just POP ☁ out overnight after we have a few good downpours! The birds are chirping like crazy, the bullfrogs are incredibly loud in the evening and oh…
♕ It’s My Birthday Month! Woot! ♕
So to celebrate turning 28 on the 26th… again …I thought a little reader appreciation giveaway was in order!
Who am I kidding, I haven’t seen 28 in YEARS – ugh! Oh well, you still deserve this ❥ plus, I want to try out this new giveaway program, just for fun! So that was a big fat epic FAIL! I’m sticking with Rafflecopter. I hate the other one so much that I couldn’t even keep it up to finish out this giveaway! If you went through the trouble of entering when the other one was in this post, you should be receiving an email with a special bonus word to gain some extra entries on the Rafflecopter widget below – yay! So sorry about the other one and thank you for all of the great feedback!
❥ Win a gift card!
Thanks to ME one lucky readers will win a $25.00 gift card. WooHoo! You can buy yourself {or someone else} a little something special!
Entry is super easy {I hope!} using the handy dandy Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open to U.S. & Canada ages 18+ only {a Canadian winner will receive $25 instead} and will end on June 8th 2012 at 12:01am est. Winner will have 48 hours to reply to notification email before I draw a new name.
Good Luck!
I’m a twitter follower, but the form won’t take it.
Twitter follow you: slehan
Thanks for the contest.
And the request to leave a comment went by so fast I couldn’t read what you wanted me to say here.
(not a fan of punch tab – like rafflecopter much better)
I’m so sorry about that! On the back end, it looks like your entry went through. I’m thinking I’m going to stick with Rafflecopter after this since so many people are having trouble with PunchTab. Thanks for testing it out for me!
The best birthday present was my dog, Folly! I love her so much!
Aww, she is super cute!
you have to unfollow and refollow on twitter to get it to accept the entry? but it works if you do that
my best birthday present was when i turned 30 i was in the hospital and had just had my son
Oh, I don’t like that! I’m so sorry! Just testing this form out for this giveaway, thank you for letting me know!
Congratulations for your birthday. Also thank you for sharing this amazing news of $25 gift card. I want to win this gift card.
I can’t get the form to work, but it’s okay, I still wanted to wish you happy birthday. :)
16th! My parents got me a pretty birthstone ring!
(first entry, I had to unfollow you on twitter, then re-follow for the form to open) :( Hopefully they can work out the bugs.
My best birthday present was a trip to Vermont when I was 21.
My daughter took me to NYC – Pearl Jam concert!
Have a Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
a shopping trip with my mom was the best birthday gift
my daughter was born two days before my birthday ’07
Happy Birthday and wishing you a best day ever :)
My hubby has treated me to some nice weekends away to celebrate our birthdays (2 weeks apart).
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! My best present was Nikon DSLR camera
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
twitter follower- form won’t take it- avonproducts4me
My best present was my kitchenaid mixer
whew….sure don’t like this punchtab thing.
My Kindle Fire.
Happy Birthday!
Best present was a mom necklace with the boys’ birthstones
i received diamond earrings!
My best birthday gift was a weekend getaway with my husband to Denali State Park.
The best birthday present I ever received was a nice book and chocolate cake.
Definitely a spa package this year for my 25th
My now 6 year old daughter was born 3 days before my 33rd bday!
My puppy.
My son being born <3
My best birthday present was a trip to Ireland from my hubby for my 40th birth year! I am a follower on twitter but the form is acting up (astroqueen67) Also how many entries are there total? I can’t seem to get more than 6.
My best birthday present ever was a dining room set that all my friends pitched in to get me when I bought my first house.
my nintendo wii i love that thing!
best bday present was nintendo…the original-when I was 10!
I got a new camera
When I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter over 20 years ago.
just getting thru the day was a gift
The best present I ever got was a car
Best Birthday for me??? It will be the upcoming one on July,21st…That will mean I’ve made it one more year!
I read the comments and unfollowed & followed again on twitter and it took.
My best birthday was on a cruise to Alaska.
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Another problem with punchtab: it doesn’t remember me like rafflecopter does. Have to enter all my info again.
My best birthday present will be the birthday I make it to this July…that means I made it another year!
The night of my 21st birthday I went into labor and my daughter was born the following day. She is my lovely daughter who I love very much. A little spoiled but generous, loving and giving. She always has a smile and her eyes do sparkle like stars. She has so many friends that wherever she goes someone is always calling out “Hi Starr”.
Hope you have a very happy birthday!
got thru the day and all was okay, thats a gift
A cruise to Alaska.
Thanks for the contest.
(thanks for going back to rafflecopter)
Happy Birthday!
GFC Follower.
A kitchenaid mixer.
A laptop. was my best birthday present.
Happy Birthday!
A pair of tiny diamond earrings for my 16th birthday.
My most memorable gift was a birthstone ring for my Sweet 16!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
The best present I ever got was a homemade desk, that my husband made himself and surprised me with.
I got a really nice camera once!
A used car for my 20th birthday
my daughter! :) Thanks for hosting!
my best present was my red bike!
Best present was a necklace with my son’s birthstones on it
My kindle fire.
Happy Birhday!
My puppy when I was younger.
My best gift was a trip.
A weekend trip to Disneyland with Hubby.
Thanks for the chance.
A necklace my husband gave me
My best birthday present will be THIS summer when my parents have settled into a wonderful retirement community nearby with everything they’ll need for the rest of their days and my daughter heads off to college… the present? Time for ME!
My best birthday present was my husband sending me on a trip to a spa with my best friend. It was awesome and totally a surprise.
my best birthday present was a surprize party
A Coach purse
My best gift was a birthday/Christmas trip to London.
guess I’m still waiting for the best gift ever
I did’nt have kids on my bday, and its dec 31 so generally you can’t get into a restaurant etc
I can’t think of anything that made an impact on my life for bday presents (although I did spend one bday in Hawaii, but that was so very long ago, 33yrs LOL that I really don’t recall it)
My husband gave me a massage table and then a massage!
My wife gave me a fishing trip one year.
My best birthday present was my Nikon D-40 camera from my husband.
My Kitchenaid mixer
Last year a group of friends took me out to eat. There were about 30 of them, and it was my largest party ever, even larger than when I was a child. So I would say that. As for an actual gift, probably my Cabbage Patch Kid when I was little
trip to europe
My best birthday present was tickets to Les Miz!
VIP for Daughtry given to me by my hubby.
A remote starter for my truck
A new pair of Toms shoes.
When I was seventeen, my mother gave me her old car, a toyota tercel wagon. It was amazing!
A purse full of change when I was youn
last year my hubby got me a new Mac Desktop as an early bday/christmas gift
A fish aquarium.
my best birthday gift was a massage
my sis got me a few blu-rays, they’ ain’t cheep!
a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet from hubby
A special ring from my sis – my favorite stone!
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
best one was a TV for my bedroom when I was a teenager
My best birthday present ever was a pair of birthstone earrings that my parents got me when I was a teenager.
My best birthday present was being sang to by my boyfriend :)
My mortgage payment was paid by my sister.
My best birthday present ever was my oldest daughter – even if I didn’t get it until 9 months later :)
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!
My daughter took me to see Pearl Jam. We had so much fun.
My best present was a digital camera
A gorgeous jewelry box
The best birthday present was a love letter from my husband.
I got a beautiful necklace from the hubby last year
My best birthday present ever was an iPad
My best birthday present was a homemade card from my daughter.
I got a “birthiversary” present this year since our anniversary is right before my birthday and it was an iPad! Best gift yet.
My favourite was a pair of earrings from my mom, when I turned 18.
My husband gave me my wonderful cat for my birthday years ago. Absolute best present ever!
A kitten when I was 10. late Happy Birthday!!
My best birthday present was a new computer
Best present? It’s a toss up between a Sea-Bay excursion my then husband took me on and a digital camera that I really love.
Happy Birthday !!
My best birthday gift would be finding out I was coming home from Desert Storm / Desert Shield. Took two months to get through the rotation, but found out on my birthday!!
My best birthday gift was a computer. The rest is history.
That sounds like me! My hubby probably regrets that gift so many years ago :P
I don’t remember
To be honest, I cannot remember any really special birthday gifts–our family was much more into Christmas giving. I suppose my best one was really a combination college graduation/birthday/Christmas gift from my brother–my good china set (which is still in use some 50+ years later).
One of my ‘best’ birthday presents ever received was six years ago, when my youngest daughter was born on my 36th birthday!
My best birthy present ever was a trip to Walt Disney World.
My best b-day gift was an iPod
My boyfriend got me a water pillow which worked wonders on my neck pain. I still use it every night!
My best birthday present was a dog.
the thing that is most memorable to me now was a long distance phone call from a loved one
An anchor necklace
My best was a cruise vacation, years ago.
My best present was a good camera to take pictures of my kids.
We closed on our first house 2 days before my birthday. That was the best present!!
I’ve never really had a great birthday present. My grandmother made me a cake once, when the rest of my family forgot about my birthday.
My best present was a juice machine.
A stand mixer!
Happy Birthday! And thank you!
a cute little butterfly candle holder from my daughter.
A coach purse!
My husband being home from Afghanistan to share it with me!
a car
best birthday present i was born on my grandmas BD
a huge stuffed animal when I was young
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My friend made me a deep fried turkey in the middle of a blizzard.
A Richard Petty Driving Experience gift card.
I asked my wife to marry me on my birthday… she said yes… best present ever
Aww! That is so sweet!
Happy Birthday! My best birthday present was a plane ticket so I could travel.
My best birthday present was a pair of earrings