Wordless Wednesday – Chicken chasing and my hubby #ww

My silly hubby thinks he can get away with these types of things. The chickens keep running down the road and over to the neighbor’s yard so hubby has been using the lawn mower to wrangle them back into the yard. Um… really?

He actually said these words to me when he noticed me standing on the porch (words in the photo), as I’m thinking to myself “Run Forrest… Ruuuuuuuun!”

my hubby chasing the chickens with the tractor

I love this dog with my whole heart. She is beautiful fat wrinkly loyal lumpy smelly soft precious farty gentle and my best friend.

love my Ginger-Dog

This is what happens when you try to take photos outside. the chickens come running as soon as they think there might be treats. Gimli the rooster kept peeking around to see if I was hiding anything.

rooster photo bomb

In memory of my two sweet old hens Goldie Hawn and Wild. They both passed away this week and I was heartbroken today when I went out and found that Wild was gone. She was my favorite hen for so long. I will miss her loud cackling and curiosity. I hope they both are free-ranging in that big old meadow in the sky.

rip Goldie and Wild


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Chicken wrangling with a tractor, now that’s a first! (I love the chicken photo bomb!)

  2. 2

    I’m so sorry about your hens. I remember when our hen Oprah died. I cried buckets. Thanks for leaving a comment on my crazy post!

  3. 3

    Big hugs to you! I’m sorry to hear they passed.

  4. 4

    LOVE teh rooster bomb photo. That is awesome. Reminds me of our chickens lol. SO sorry you lost your ladies though. I love my girls and hate when something happens to them.

  5. 5

    I bet he had no idea he was going to be the star of your blog this week either! LoL

  6. 7

    I can relate to your feelings towards your doggy. We were away from ours for eight days and the whole time we missed her! I’m sorry to hear about your chickies :(

  7. 8

    Sorry about your chickens…. :(

  8. 9

    LOL Chicken photo bomb! ROFL

  9. 10

    Oh my gosh… I just laughed so hard at the “Rooster Photo Bomb” picture – hahaha!

  10. 11

    Pretty flowers! What do you give a chicken as a treat?

    • 12

      Thanks! I give them all sorts of things – veggie & fruit scraps, stale cereal, sunflower seeds, eggs (cooked and/or crumbled shells), leftovers — it all depends on what I have that day!

  11. 13

    Aw! I’m sorry for your losses :( I wish I lived out in the wide open country like you do!

  12. 14

    Sorry about the loss of your hens.

    My mother keeps trying to give me a few laying hens, but I’m in the city, not exactly poultry appropriate.

  13. 15

    The tractor wrangler! That’s funny. We have three acres for our chickens to range on but they end up in the neighbors front yard. What’s up with that?
    Sorry for the loss of your chickens. I have several that would be hard for me to lose.
    Did you grow those flowers? They are BEAUTIFUL!

    • 16

      We have a huge backyard with woods and weeds and open spaces and tall grass yet they have been going out front by the road, in the ditch, over to the neighbors! Crazy chickens! Those are FTD Flowers that Nichol sent me! (You can win some in my giveaway!)

  14. 17

    Sorry about the loss of your hens. Great photos!

  15. 18

    lmao at your hubby and the rooster photo bomb! i love your chickens, they seem to have so much personality!

  16. 20

    Great pics! Sorry to hear about losing your friends :(

  17. 21

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I hear you on your dog being farty, my Asia girl has been stinky lately! Oh honey what are you up to today? Just wrangling some chickens with the tractor.

  18. 22

    I’m sorry!! Such pretty flowers!!

  19. 23

    I’m so sorry about your hens :( They were lucky to be yours!

  20. 24

    I’m sorry about your loss! Great photos though!

  21. 25

    Oh, I’m sorry about the chickens! But how I wish we could keep some ourselves.

  22. 26

    Love your pictures. Your yard looks like mine but double or triple the size!!!

  23. 27

    Thanks for these funny rooster pics I tell you I needed that laugh, the flower one was the funniest!

  24. 28

    Awww I love those chickens! I like the picture with chicken peeking in, it’s soo cute!

  25. 29

    I would be way to chicken to hold one ;)


  1. […] be in front of the camera. Everywhere I go outside, he follows me — peeking around corners, photo-bombing post pictures and generally ALWAYS getting in the shot! Then, I can’t help but take more […]

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