Could this be THE year? Please let it be the year!

After years and years of struggling and trying to make ends meet, my husband’s business is finally starting to prove that it can reliably support our family. Super G. works hard at his job, he is good at it and I am so glad that he is succeeding. The past two years have been the best years, financially, that we’ve had since we’ve been together. Which in turn, has also started to make my number one dream seem like it could soon be a reality! Home ownership! 

We’ve lived in this rental for about 5 1/2 years now, it seems like SO much longer, probably because I am just not happy here. Before we moved here, we lived on property that my Dad owned since he had started out on his own way back when. Dad loved that land and worked so hard on it, he was proud to be able to have everyone taken care of and I loved to hear his plans about what he was working on next. I loved it there no matter how run down it was.

That land was my childhood, it represented my Dad and I was (still am) heartbroken when the part that my Dad had set aside for my family and I was ripped out of my life by some uncaring people after his death. It’s been very hard trying to let go of something that you knew was going to be your home forever, a place for your children to call home, to feel secure in and perhaps even have passed on to them in the future. But change is inevetable and moving forward is the only way to survive sometimes.


A Home. Our Home. It has been the ever looming goal over the years. Renting is fine for some people, it isn’t for me. I need roots, I need to know that the earth beneath my feet is where I belong. I want to plant trees and flowers and build a beautiful space for our family to enjoy. That is hard to do when you know that you won’t be somewhere forever. I need a place that I can dream about growing old in. Knowing that in 10 years, 20 years I’ll be watching my grandchildren play int he back yard. Creating a warm inviting haven for our body and soul to rest and find peace in.

Owning our own home has been the ultimate goal and we are so close that I can almost taste it, see it — feel that it’s the right moment if only all of the pieces will fall together. We have FINALLY qualified for a home loan. Holy crap I can’t believe it! We actually qualify for a home loan! There are a few have-to-dos to get out of the way first, of course, but nothing that will put a road block in our path. It just takes time and I am so impatient after all these years of NOT qualifying! Our area doesn’t have a ton of homes for sale at any given moment. I am not willing to move the kids out of the school district so we have to be patient and keep alert for the right opportunity. We qualify for a certain range so that is another consideration. Finding a 3 bedroom home with a basement on an acre or more is a challenge for the loan we are approved for, it can be done though and we are just looking for our chance, I know it’s out there!

I’m so thankful for having a husband that cares and works and loves us. I just know that THIS is going to be the year and we are finally going to do it! Patience, I will have it. I will try!


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Exciting! I own my home and have lived here for 5.5 years – like you in your rental. But this was never meant to be my forever home, so I know how you felt in that regard.

    I can’t wait to move (3 years, 11 months from now) and I am so happy you will have a home you love soon! Best of luck in your search!

  2. 2

    How wonderful! I’m so excited for you. It’s got to feel nice not to have the feeling of being “stuck” in your rental anymore. Even though you might not be moving yet now you have time to pick the perfect house. Congrats!!

  3. 3

    Good luck! Owning your own home is definitely a wonderful experience and something to be excited about! I hope everything works out and you get as close to your dream house as possible!

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