I’m a day behind but I just finished watching my DVR’d copy of the season 3 finale of my favorite TV series, Parenthood. Oh my goodness! I don’t think any show on TV has ever made me cry so much! Every episode is a tear jerk-er. All of the actors fit so perfectly into their roles. Each scene and event is full of so much feeling and emotion. The story lines are true to life, the whole package just gets you right in the heart!
Last week when Zoe did what I’ve been fearing she would do for the past few months, I cried along with Joel and Julia. But God, how unselfish is Julia? You could really feel the bond that was growing between her and Zoe. She truly helped change that young women’s life and though in the end, Zoe wasn’t able to go through with the adoption, I think that Julia and Joel will keep close to their hearts that they helped a young woman, that they let her see that she was worth more than she thought she was, that baby will still have an amazing life because of them believing in his mother. The twist at the end of the finale left my heart just full of joy and unanswered questions. Are Julia and Joel going to become foster parents? Will there be more children in their future or will Victor become a permanent part of the family? How will Sydney take the news that she has a new big brother, not a a baby brother like she had hoped for? Which leads to the question, is Victor the same age as Sydney or older/younger? Can’t wait to see how that all unfolds!
So many big events happened in this week’s episode, I guess that must be how it is when you come from a large family! I was so excited to see Jasmine and Crosby reunite. Even though I liked the actors that were playing their new loves, especially cello girl — she seemed to be a wonderful alternative partner for Crosby, I have always hoped that Jasmine would find it in her heart to forgive him. It seems like Crosby has really grown up over the last few months’s episodes. Maybe the seperation was the best thing that could have happened to them? I hope that it makes their love and relationship stronger than ever in the seasons to come.
I must say that I was extremely happy that Adam came to his senses and decided not to sell the luncheonette. Yes, that was a huge offer and yes that amount of money could have changed his life but if the other record company is willing to pay THAT much money for their company then obviously they are doing something right. It would be dumb to sell when they are just starting out and already gaining attention. It will be fun to watch Crosby live his dream and hopefully Adam will find his along the way, they make a great team when they aren’t throwing salsa at each other!
And Sarah, what can I say about Sarah? I am always rooting for her, she has had such a tumultuous past with her ex, Seth. While I thought that there may have been a chance for her and Seth to perhaps grow closer to each other after Seth’s rehabilitation, I’m not so sure it would have been good for either one of them. Sometimes there is just too much pain and disappointment from past mistakes. Sometimes it’s better to just let the past be the past. Mark is such a sweet guy. Yes, he is quite a bit younger than Sarah but they seem to both have that old soul, they seem like kindred spirits and I hope they can find a way to make their love work!
Amber breaks my heart. She is such a strong young woman and it is wonderful seeing her begin to realize just how strong she is. Her decision to talk to Bob Littel was such a smart one and I truly believe that their story isn’t over just yet. Amber is finding herself and once she odes that, there’s no telling what her future will hold!
I absolutely adore Zeke, adore him! I love how he shows up at Adams house and I love it when he decides that everyone is going to work out whatever problems they have because the problems don’t really matter when you look at the bigger picture. I love that to him, there is nothing in the world more important than the family.
Max’s line was the highlight of the show “If you’re going to fight again, Mom has some salsa in the kitchen.” (or something like that ) lol!

Hands down- My favorite show. Isn’t Zeke so awesome- I was going to name my son Zeke- I didn’t- we named his Zane but I just think he is so cool! I love Max too-great actor
Yes! I love love love Zeke! I remember watching him as Coach every week when I was younger! I actually think the entire cast is amazing!
That was the Season finale?!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!!
{In case you couldn’t tell, we love that show too!}
Yes! I am super upset that the season is over as well. I have also been reading that it’s up in the air still whether or not the show comes back for season 4!! It’s the one and only actual series that I watch so I’ll be very sad if it doesn’t!