Last Saturday morning we ventured out to visit a local attraction. Well, kind of local, when you live in rural PA, anything within an hour’s drive is considered a local attraction! I’ve driven past the sign for The Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Society many times over the years without giving it much thought. When my step-dad said they were going to check it out, we figured what the heck and trailed along after them.
I could kick myself for missing out on a great little festival every year! And oh the view! I could live on that hill surrounded by the stunning view! It was the perfect day to see the trees of autumn decked out in their finery! We also had fun looking over the old equipment in one of the property’s buildings.
We spent quite a bit of time looking at old treasures that were filling the tables of the small flea market. I found a jar of old buttons and a bagful of delicious baby winter squashes then dug through a beat up box of old linens with my mom and aunt. We all found a few small pieces to bring home and clean up. Pie had fresh apple cider and Mr.T. must be the only teen who can go to a tractor event and find a sword to buy!
The miniature covered bridge over the creek was a perfect spot to snap a few family photos and the view from the top of the hill was outstanding. It was a gorgeous day!
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