Monday Melody (Bow) & Monday Mayhem (Job)


Monday afternoon came quickly today! Mr.T.’s been on YouTube listening to music all morning and I heard the song Blow Me Away playing so I looked it up. Then I clicked on “I Will Not Bow” and thought it was a pretty cool sounding song, so this one’s courtesy of my teen son ;)  From the band’s 2009 “Dear Agony” album, the song “I Will Not Bow” by BreakingBenjamin was in the end credits of the Surrogates.

And, I’ve decided I like this meme so here’s installment #four.

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

Welcome to Monday Mayhem.

Welcome to Monday Mayhem. Rumor has it that this is the coolest place to be on a Monday. Today’s edition all about labor. Answer each question as you feel and don’t forget…
Have fun!

1. In your opinion, what does Labor Day mean to you?

I know that it is all about the American workers but beyond that it’s really just another day.


2. How much was the minimum wage when you got your first job?

Ummmm, I think $7.15, or six something? *shrugs


3. What was your first job- as in real actual employee- job?

Well I worked for my Dad most of my adulthood, for several years as a manager/waitress/cook at the pizza shop/restaurant he owned. And, for several years as a bus driver for handicapped children.


4.. What was the best job that you ever had?

5. What was the worst job that you ever had?

Questions 4 & 5 have the same answer — The manager/waitress/cook at the pizza shop/restaurant working for my Dad. It was great because our family would all hang out together cooking everyday. It was also a pain as the boss’s daughter I was always on call ever day.  Funny what you miss when it’s no longer your life though.


6. Describe your dream job.

Anything that would allow me to work from home so I can be there for my family.


7.  Who has the best job ever?

The person who loves their job has the best one ;)


8. How do you usually celebrate Labor Day (or whatever holiday your location may have that is devoted to workers)?

Normally we have a family picnic, this year we just spent the day at home relaxing.


Thanks for playing. See you next week!

Thanks for playing and have a great week! I’m linked up at


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1
    Vicki Wilson says

    6. Describe your dream job.
    My dream job would be a job where I am the boss and I don’t need to go far from my children.

    Oops sorry if I only answered this one. :)

I ♥ your comments
