Monday Melody (Faster) & Monday Mayhem (Speedo)

monday melody

How bummed am I that I just now realized that Train is going to be playing in our area this weekend! Pretty bummed becuase I would have loved to go, unfortuantely the only tickets left are way… WAY… out of our price range. Sigh.

When I looked them up to find a song this morning and found this one by Matt Nathanson instead, I had no idea who he was until I realized that he sings Come On Get Higher. Then I listened to every other song I could find by him and decided I like. Here’s Faster from his Modern Love album — a fun sexy song for Monday morning!

And, I’ve decided I like this meme so here’s another installment.

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

Welcome to Monday Mayhem.

This is indeed the coolest place to be on a Monday.

Simply answer the random questions.
Thanks for playing and have fun!

1. What is your favorite day of the week?
I love the Tuesdays that I have Yoga/Stretch at Jazzercise, followed by regular class. Two hours of Jazzercise is pretty amazing! If it weren’t for that class though I’d have to say Sunday. It’s our lazy day.

2. What kind of restrictions should there be on wearing Speedo swimsuits?
Thankfully I’ve never seen anyone wearing a Speedo in real life, don’t think they’re very popular in our area thank goodness. I say, if you think you can rock then, go for it!

3. You know how there are the so called “fashion police”? What kind of police would you like to be part of and why?
Hmmm, perhaps the “sandal/sock squad” or the skirt so short my underwear are showing police. Or even better, the my pants might look like they’re falling down but I actually like walking like a drunk duck detective.

4. What is your best comeback for a totally self-absorbed narcissistic individual?
You are not the queen of the universe… I am. kidding kidding, sort of.

5. Have you seen any good movies this summer? Which one(s)?
Harry Potter was pretty good. I finally watched The Proposal and Eat, Pray, Love on TV and loved them. I hated Rango…. just sayin’.

6. What restaurant meal should we stay far away from?
Honestly I can’t think of a thing right now… my brain is mush sorry!

7. What brand of toilet paper do you highly recommend?
We’re cheap and always buy Scott 1000 toilet tissue from the Dollar General. People in this house use toilet paper like it’s going out of style.

Thanks for playing and have a great week! I’m linked up at


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1
    JDaniel4's Mom says

    We go through toilet paper quickly too. I don’t get really short skirts. They won’t work for me. Crawling on the floor playing with trains would be difficult.

  2. 2

    Oh man, I would like to see Train, too. I am seriously hooked on their song “Save Me, San Francisco.” The Proposal was a really cute movie.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. :)

  3. 3

    So you really shoulda said the toilet paper police! :)

  4. 4

    Drunk Duck Detective? Say that 3 times :)
    I’m a Tuesday Yoga person too.
    I’m so glad you’ve played MM :)

    Sorry this comment was late.
    Take care

I ♥ your comments
