5 Great Date Ideas For Couples On A Budget – Guest Post

holding handsYour marriage is important, and one of the best ways to keep it strong is to remember how important your husband or wife is to you, and make sure you spend quality time together. No matter what your budget or schedule, there is no reason you can’t have a weekly date. There are 168 hours in a week, don’t you deserve at least a few of those hours alone together? You don’t need to spend a fortune to have a great time together or show each other how much you mean. Quality time together can be created. That’s how you become one of those couples that are still together at 90.

5 Great Date Ideas For Married People On a Budget

1. Bring the kids over to your parents, and have a dinner at home together. Better yet, toss in some logs into the fireplace, and bring dinner onto the floor so you can snuggle together while you eat and relax in front of a warm fire. Keep a blanket nearby in case you fall asleep in each other’s arms, and give grandma a head’s up that the kids may be staying overnight.

2. Get in the car and drive around together aimlessly in the evening. If you pass by someplace you’d like to shop or eat, stop. Keep the moonroof open, put on some good music, drive around neighborhoods you’d love to live in someday, pass by beautiful lakes and fields, and when the mood strikes, park the car and go for a walk hand in hand for a while. You did this when you were dating and were first married, you can do it now. It’s ok to relax and dream together.

3. Visit local parks and beaches known for offering free theater and concerts, and enjoy the local talent while eating tasty treats from street vendors. Go window shopping hand in hand, stop by a cafe, check out museums or movies (take turns picking so you both like what you are seeing at least half the time) and grow culturally and intellectually together as you grow closer together as well.

4. Share a hobby together. Whether you like to play board games, go bike riding, do puzzles, garden, whatever, do it together. Your love for your hobbies being shared with someone you love makes all of it more enjoyable, and as the years pass you won’t grow apart. You can discover new hobbies you both enjoy as well (maybe you’ll discover you like to golf, or he likes to bake).

5. Do chores together, and make it a date. Wash the car together (and spritz each other with the hose), go grocery shopping together at upscale markets that allow you to taste some of the gourmet treats (and have fun planning delicious meals together), go car shopping together, etc. Do it together, and without the kids. Someone can watch your children 3 hours a week so you can do it.

There are a lot of other great ways to spend quality time together that doesn’t cost a lot, as long as you are willing to make the most of your time together and use that time to focus on the most important thing: you are together.

You can find Penelope blogging at Penelope’s Oasis, where she writes about beauty tips, relationships, organizing and other girl stuff!

Keep up to date with Penelope via Twitter at @_PenelopeNYC. Don’t miss her Happy Marriage Mondays posts!

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Thanks so much! I’m honored to be on your site :)

    By the way, my twitter is @_PenelopeNYC …the one up there now links to a couple of girls heading for a night on the town ;-)

  2. 3

    Awesome tips. Melinda and I did #1 last weekend. We took the kids to the in laws and then relaxed at home. We did go out to dinner around 9pm but it was a nice relaxing night where we could do what we wanted when we wanted.

  3. 4

    I adore this post and it’s all so very true. Hubs and I do date nights IN so often that when we do go out it’s sometimes awkward :)

  4. 5

    LOVE these!! We make sure to have at least one “date night” per week – even if it is just dinner together on the patio. (like your porch idea, but its 100+ degrees here lol)

  5. 6

    My husband and I are in desperate need of some date nights. Also, I’m broke, so I don’t want to spend a dime…these are some great solutions!

  6. 7

    Amazing post! #2 looks interesting. I think I’ll give it a try tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks for posting! Great idea! Keep posting!

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