My daughter is a budding photographer.
It’s what she wants to be when she grows up.
{A Tufted titmouse with a snack and field mouse under that tire planter way out there}
A Hen's Nest - NW PA Single Woman Mom Blog
Product reviews, PA travel, family fun, single parent, recipes
My daughter is a budding photographer.
It’s what she wants to be when she grows up.
{A Tufted titmouse with a snack and field mouse under that tire planter way out there}
Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!
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Awww!!! I like how your post has LIVE birds and mine has a dead one LOL
Haha! That is funny :) Yours has an adorable kid in it too though!
Those are great! I just bought a Hummingbird feeder and can’t wait to try them!
Wow, she is doing great! I have to reply on trying to snap my birds through cloudy old glass windows and the feeders not really close. I try to get outside when my allergies allow, but if there are birds around then the biting bugs are too, so back in the house I go. she is doing super!
I have a really hard time getting bird photos too Faythe, I don’t know how she does it! She does seem to have a very steady hand which helps. She did take these through our very dirty window though lol!
Those are wonderful pictures! I love that cute little birdie! Absolutely adorable :)
Great photos! Looks like she really loves photography.
wow, she is really good! I love these pictures! The ‘guy’ featured on my WW would love the subject in these pictures–but for all the wrong reasons!
She is doing a wonderful job! Thank you for encouraging kids dreams!
She did a great job with those pictures! My fave is the bottom left. Tell her good job!
great job! they’re all great shots!
It definitely looks like she’s on her way! Good job.
I so glad you bought her a camera because she is good at taking wonderful photo! May she dream big & do will and go for her dreams! :)I like all the photo she took, think I like the last two the most! Very good shots!
She’s using my new camera Mom, she doesn’t like the one we bought her because it takes “fuzzy pictures” lol! If I ever get that DSLR I want I’ll probably give her the Nikon.
I always wanted those in my feeder, but they never came. So cute!
She did a great job!
She did a wonderful job!
Such pretty photos! She did a great job with them!
those are great!
Great shots!
What great pictures! You must be so proud of her. That mouse shot is awesome :D
These are great photos. Tell her to keep up the good work!! :)
It looks like she’s got a good eye. She’ll do well. :)
I think she should follow her passion! ;)
The close-ups of the bird are very nice. Good job.
What great pictures! She did an amazing job!
Happy WW!
I have a budding photographer as well and I love looking at the perspective of young people. There’s nothing like a photo taken by a child with some talent to refresh your thoughts, vision and perspective. Love the photos.
She’s very talented! I don’t know if I’m even as good as she is!
Oh she’ll love to read that! She just has very steady hands so her pics turn out well. I am excited to see how she does as she gets older!